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What Caused The Great Depression

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After reading the entire document, write around What caused the great depression

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What caused great the depression?
May 5, 2019
What Caused the Great Depression?
The great depression in United States occurred before the beginning of Second World War. At this time franklin Roosevelt was the main popular presidential candidate and majority of Americans hoped that he would end the depression state of the United States. The president himself did not have any agenda towards the depression and he was supposed to wait for the economic cycle to play its role and restore America in to its normal economy. Various aspects contributed to the depression during the late 1920s and late1930s. During this time economic state of America was very poor and the number of unemployed citizens was very high. This paper will discuss the contributors of the great depression in the United States that occurred between 1929 and 1940.
During 1930, supply and demand did not match and that promote to downfall of various products and closure of business. Many Americans became unemployed at that period rising from 2,080,000 people to 12,060,000 people. Study indicate that the presidential aspirant, franklin Roosevelt, who many people thought he would heal the economic wound in America had no formula to do that. He was among other Americans who waited for the economy to fix itself until when he was elected and he had to change his perception. Franklin involved the government in finding the solution after the economic problem became harsh. He spent eight years healing the economy when the Se...
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