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History Art Of The Twentieth Century

Essay Instructions:

Part 1:

First question:

-In his chapter on “Art of the twentieth century,” how does Paul Wood define*:

a) Modernity?

b) Modernism?

*Provide definitions in your own words as much as possible

The PDF of the reading will be provided.

Second question:

What aspects of modern life does F.T. Marinetti (in his “Manifesto of Futurism”) value

and why?

Third question:

How does Fionna Barber characterize the role of women in Surrealism? Reference one

work of art in your answer.

The PDF of the reading will be provided.

If using any

specific information from readings please reference, for example, (Wood, 30) or

(class lecture, 04/30).

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Art History
In his chapter on “Art of the twentieth century,” Paul Wood defines modernity as a term first employed by the 19th century French critic and poet known as Charles Baudelaire to refer to the experience of living in a completely new modern world (Wood 16). While the term did not mean to describe the technological or physical attributes of that particular world such as the new forms of cities or buildings, it was intended mean people living in new conditions. This in particular meant to embody aspects of social psychology or communal aspects of feeling that differentiated the modern world experience from other forms of experiences that people had about their past world. Although some aspects might remain constant, people are always born, stay and die just the similar manner they have always done before. The individuals enter the same forms of social and sexual relations that range from marrying and childbearing to highly sophisticated work relationships, and informal relationships ranging from friendship to dislike (Wood 16). Relatively speaking, the people are about the same physical sizes and seem to share the same emotional responses to the events of the different worlds such as fear from stronger forces or grief at the absence or even death of loved ones.
On the other hand, modernism art relates to the changing forms of modern life even in the event it does not portray modernity since no modern art seems to portray phenomena of modern life such as skyscrapers, aeroplanes, or even cars and mobile telephones and computers (Wood 21). This is because the art that represented modernism such as abstract...
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