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Compare The Main Features Of Chinese Civilization From About 1000 To About 1500 CE To The Meso American

Essay Instructions:

Write a formal, well-organized essay that includes:

--an introduction with a thesis or interpretive statement;

--well-constructed paragraphs with topic sentences and supporting details;

--evidence from a variety of times and cultures;

--evidence from a variety of course materials (video lectures, readings, forum interactions, etc);

--a conclusion that wraps up the main issues.

Think about whether you would like to include "categories of analysis" (such as political, social, etc) in your answers.

You might also raise the problem of sources (primary vs. secondary, etc.) in relation to your topic.

Try to synthesize diverse and divergent evidence into a comprehensive and insightful vision of the issues.

Your task is to weigh the evidence and arrive at reasoned conclusions. You are a judge examining all the possible evidence from a variety of perspectives, not a lawyer arguing a case from only one point of view.

The exam is intended to assess your personal knowledge of the materials and issues presented in this course: do not study together or share possible answers. If you have questions about the wording or meaning of the questions, email me. You may include outside information but be sure to first fully cover course materials.

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Chinese vs. Mesoamerican Civilization
The period between 1000-1500 CE is of great historical significance because of the civilizations that were experienced in Mesoamerican and China. The civilizations in the two regions established a legacy of social and cultural achievements that continue to have great impacts today. The complexities of the modern world, therefore, have their roots from 1000-1500 CE. The features of civilization in Aztec and China share similar characteristics such as art, technological innovation, and commercialization. At the same time, certain features of civilization also differ between the two regions. This essay seeks to discuss the differences and similarities.
China and Aztec both experienced rapid commercialization, advancements in art, and technological innovation. By 1492 CE, China had developed to become one of the most developed nations in terms of technology. The Ming Dynasty that ruled over China during this period strongly upheld centralized bureaucracy and the leadership also comprised of elite scholars who encouraged technological advancements. The Chinese invented printing systems, marine compasses, and gunpowder (Asia for Educators). Aztec on the other hand focused their technology on improving their weapons. Rather than using bronze to cool their weapons, they used chert and obsidian. Also, they made drills out of bones and reeds to use in agriculture and construction.
In terms of art, Chinese encouraged candidates who occupied government positions to compose poetry and practice calligraphy. This idea of Chinese artist officials arose naturally in the region. On the other hand, Aztec artists specialized in metalwork, stone, and wood carving as well as pottery. For the Aztecs, their focus on sculptures and pottery was influenced by their appreciation of fine art; however, in China, art, specifically calligraphy was a recommendation since it was also used as a means of recording events.
Commercialization wa...
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