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Abolishing the College Electoral System American government class

Essay Instructions:

What could possibly go wrong with attempts to replace the Electoral College?

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Abolishing the College Electoral System; What Could Possibly Go Wrong
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Abolishing the College Electoral System; What Could Possibly Go Wrong
The United States is preparing to go into elections, and this means that the issue of the reliability of the college electoral system is about to arise again. The issue has been contested in a court of law, with opponents of the system citing how it has been used to rig in political leaders in the past elections. One of the major accusations was that it was used to rig the presidential elections, raising concerns and calls for its abolishment. However, a review of the implications of abolishing the college electoral system shows just how much could go wrong in the entire electoral system in the country.
Abolishing the college electoral system would mean that minority interests are no longer accorded protection. The main benefit of the system is that it is centered on protecting the interests of the minority during an election in the U.S. The system enables electors to management the needs of the community and the state rather than flowing with the majority rule in the country. This implies that a majority of the states must agree with a certain candidate rather than allowing the general public to vote in their president of choice. As such, replacing the college electoral system would take away this benefit from the minority, and they would never have to vote their conscience.
The system promotes the two-party system in the U.S. Although a section of Americans criticizes the fact that the system creates a two-part nation, the electoral ensures that the design remains healthy during the 4-year cycle. The process allows voters to choose the individuals to serve in the White House rather than mandating the Congr...
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