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American Congress and Government

Essay Instructions:

opinion essay, I'd like you to look at what we discussed about congress, and in particular about how a law comes into formation.

Do you think the process of how a law is formed from start to finish is a fair one? Are there any or enough points through the process to stop bad or unfair laws from being passed? Why or why not?

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American Government
Congress is an essential branch of the federal government. It is the legislative body that deals with making laws for the country. I believe how a law is formed from start to finish is fair since it depends on several legal procedures that have to be followed. These are known as the substantiative and procedural due process. The procedural due process involves various steps that need to be followed, preventing unfair or bad laws from being passed. The process relies on the idea of fundamental fairness, which is necessary during state proceedings. Some issues it covers include the opportunity for hearing, discussing, voting, and changes that occur during the entire process.
Members of Congress introduce new laws as a bill into their legislative chamber. The presiding officer will then refer the proposed bill to one of the committees, depending on its purpose. Once a bill is introduced, a committee of members are assigned to find more information about it and to make any changes that are needed before it can be voted in by the chamber. The members debate the bill, and this ensures that any loopholes are closed, which could support illegal activities. If the bill succeeds to pass in one body of Congress, it still has to go through another body while undergoing the process of discussions, changes, research, and voting. The committees also return the bill to the chamber, and then it is debated, and further amendments are made. These stages are critical to ensure that the new law does not contain elements that favor specific people or are disadv...
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