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Moment Discussion 1 History Essay Research Coursework

Essay Instructions:

When the English colonists who settled North America thought about freedom and liberty, they thought about “rights." What kind of rights were they talking about? Read the comments of the indigenous leaders Scarouyady, Pontiac, and Neolin on pages 176 and 177 of Give Me Liberty! What kinds of rights do you think they wanted? How did they differ from English rights? How might they have been similar?

A response to any or all of these questions is fine.


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Freedom from the Colonists
Colonists who settled in North America brought concepts that they have ingrained in the minds of the natives or indigenous people. Most of them were not known before, but already being practised by the locals. The colonists believed that their superior intellect could help the locals and themselves in establishing a unit in North America. The primary ideologies that they have introduced are freedom and liberty. In this paper, we will tackle the actual and implied rights that are referred to by the colonists (Foner).
The colonists believed that the natives must recognize their natural rights, including the right to life, liberty, and property. They have taught the natives how to defend these rights to the best of their abilities. Moreover, the colonists engraved the concept of self-preservation within them (Foner).
These were the rights that the colonists want the natives to experience. However, in my opinion, their real intentions are different, which are mainly focused...
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