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History Essay:The Great Depression 1920’s

Essay Instructions:

Pick THREE out of the 15 questions. Shown in pictures 1-8.

1. Was John d. Rockefeller a robber baron?

Who? When? What? Why? Historical significance?

Would be #1 out of three of your choosing. Thank you so much. But you may pick any of your choosing 1-15.


Pick ONE out of the the 2 questions shown in picture 9. Thank you.


1. Fredrick Taylor

2. Monopoly Capitalism

3. Jewish immigrants

4. Homer Plessy

5. Triangle Factory Fire

6. Rise College Football

7. Shell Shock

8. Gender & advertising 1920’s

9. The 2nd KKK

10. German-Americans during world war 1

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Great Depression 1920's
1 Was John D. Rockefeller a robber baron?
John Davison Rockefeller was a United States' robber baron who lived between July 8, 1839, and May 23, 1937. Rockefeller was the founder of Standard Oil Company, and he monopolized the oil industry in the 19th century (Surdam, 161). He gained his riches through unscrupulous ways by taking advantage of the poor. Rockefeller overworked the poor on his rod to success. Historically, Rockefeller is a significant figure because he invested in and grew the oil industry to the current heights. He set up high standards in his quest for wealth that the world still enjoys.
8. Homer Plessy
Homer Adolph Plessy was a French-speaking Creole who lived in America, born on March 17, 1862, and died on March 1, 1925. Plessy lived at a time when America's racial cases were very high. He is famous for his contribution to fighting for racial justice. In a landmark case, authorities arrested Plessy for boarding an only white car against the laws because he was a free person of color. In his case, the Supreme Court upheld laws of racial discrimination (Deibel). Plessy is significant in history for his contribution to fighting for racial justice in the United States.
17. The period from the Gilded Age to the Great Depression constituted a crisis for many. Analyze what challenges ordinary Americans and immigrants encountered in their neighborhood, at work, on their farms, and how they responded to this crisis.
America experienced economic prosperity during the Gilded Age, while the Great Depression brought down the economy. Gilded Age provided an improvement that the Great Depression took it away. However, these two periods affected the ordinary Americans and immigrants differently, where they faced several challenges with their neighbors, on their farms, and at work.
The Gilded Age overworked ordinary Americans and immigrants who depended on manual work for survival. The wake of ind...
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