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Response Paper in Racism

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Racial Discrimination
Racism has been a significant problem in America since the founding of the country. Some of the worst ways that racism was perpetrated were slavery and lynching. After successfully abolishing slavery, lynching became a significant issue in the country, and various leaders and activists began advocating for racial equality. Ida B Wells and W.E.B. Du Bois are some of the prominent individuals who used different strategies to appeal to the American people to eliminate racial discrimination.
For instance, in her Boston speech, Wells blamed lynching on racial prejudice, the government, and lawlessness. Wells asserted that a group of people in the American Society believed it was their right to rule over Black people (Wells 522). Additionally, their contempt of the law caused them to practice racial discrimination against African Americans. In most cases, the discrimination was accompanied by violence, and Black people who were accused of any form of crimes were lynched without evidence. Wells also blamed the government for failing to take action. She asserted that officials in the state government, such as governors and law officials, implicitly supported the mob's actions by failing to act to protect the victims (Wells 522). Similarly, the national government failed to provide any interventions, such as providing troops to protect African Americans. Thus, racial prejudice and lawlessness caused people to perpetrate lynching of African Americans, and the government's inaction against the problem caused it to be prevalent.
On the other hand, Du Bois adopted a slightly different approach towards advocating for equality. For example, he criticized and embraced inborn racial characteristics in different ways. Du Bois embraced racial characteristics because they enabled humans to have different gifts to offer. In this regard, racial differences enabled communities to contribute differently ...
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