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US History multiple topics History Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Please answer the four questions I have attached. Please indicate a break or a title when moving on to the next question. The only criteria for this assignment is for there to be three paragraphs per question. They do not have to be long in length but they do have to show knowledge about the subject. Thank you.

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1 Despite the number of European nations vying control for the North American continent, England won the struggle for several reasons. First, this was because of the larger English colonies as compared to other countries. It was shown that in the 1700s, around 250,000 non-Indian residents were living in English America. This is significantly larger than all other Europeans combined, such as the French (15,000) and the Spaniards (4500).
Second, the English colonies were also able to get more support in terms of resources and workforce for building their colonies. Since building colonies require many human resources and workforce, the English population had a significant advantage over other European colonists. This allows the English to diversify and improve their workforce distribution to build a sufficient and lasting colony.
Third, other Europeans also made poor decisions in terms of their strategy for colonization. For example, France decided to pursue its non-profitable fur trade to maintain support from the Indian military. This led them to incur losses, which made them fail in their colonization attempts. Another example was Spain's failure to gain support despite the high inflation brought about by their discovery of precious metals such as silver and gold. In the end, because England focused on shifting towards a commercial (capitalist) economy rather than a mercantilist one, England flourished despite being in another land.
2 Between the two colonies that were founded in Virginia, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, it is the colony in Virginia that became a model for the current United States. This is because as Virginia focused on expanding Capitalism or profit, which is evidenced by the higher numbers of noblemen compared to families. In contrast to this, the colony in Massachusetts had a lot more families and religious functions. It was the reason why more puritans came to that colony compared to the previous one. Finally, the Pennsylvanian colony was developed to be a haven for Quakers. Thus, it could be seen that the cu...
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