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Racial and Gender Injustices

Essay Instructions:

Dear Writer:

This is the third time you are writing the paper for me on my history class about Mexico History. This third paper will be little bit different from the previous two, which you summary the documents from the book and then analyze it. For this third paper, you will need to choose three document from the book and then analyze the topic you choose (till now, the topic you choose in paper 1 is race and paper 2 is gender). You will not going to summary the paper anymore. The entire paper will be about how this topic is revealed from the three documents. Take the topic race for example, in the paper, you may write one section about how race leads to problem one, support your thoughts with the documents, then one section about another race issue and etc.

For the more detail, please read the instructions very carefully. Follow all steps and notes. Also, as all papers will become the final paper, please don't choose anymore different topic, just stick with race and gender. So please choose the documents carefully. If you want to do so, maybe poverty is a topic that can work with race properly I guess.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Yihe Shen
Prof. Sal
History 3968
Oct 22nd, 2020
Paper 3
Race and gender in "Modesta Gómez" by Rosario Castellanos, "Plan of San Diego" by Anonymous, and "The Long Journey from Despair to Hope" by Subcomandante Marcos
Racial and gender injustices were part of the daily living in Mexico. Three documents outline gender and racial discrimination and the effects the two abuse cases had on people's lives. Any form of discrimination pushes people to a limit where they will resist. Hence, the two forms of injustices resulted in resistance in many cases, including bloodshed and deaths due to resistance. "Modesta Gomez" describes the life of a young girl called Modesta who had great dreams that were shattered by a wealthy family and her working-class husband. "Plan of San Diego" was a 1915 draft by unidentified Mexicans and Tejano rebels in San Diego, Texas, who hoped to create a racial utopia, while "The Long Journey from Despair to Hope" explores the hardships Mexicans went through until they attain independence. Many instances of racial oppression at the Mexico – US border existed in the colonial period. The whites discriminated against the Native Americans, Mexican Americans, African Americans, and Asian Americans. People resisted and laid down demands that would bring racial justice to the Mexican and the American border. Such resistance led to bloodshed with the Mexican Americans, Indians, and African Americans retaliating against the whites. Gender in...
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