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Essay Assignment #2 History Essay Research Coursework

Essay Instructions:


Textbook: https://bookshelf(dot)vitalsource(dot)com/#/books/9780393418545/epubcfi/6/2%5Bnpp-bb6c28b4895c09f7c16d%5D!/4%5Bdoc-0.1%5D/2/2/2/2/2%5Bvst-image-button-512505%5D/2%400:0

In 1861 South Carolina plantation owner Thomas Drayton told his brother in a letter that the Confederacy stood for "home & liberty." Yet Drayton clearly meant the "liberty" to own slaves (Give Me Liberty!, 548). In a speech given in Maryland in 1864, Abraham Lincoln declared that this definition came from "the wolf's dictionary."

"The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat," Lincoln observed, "for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty . . . " (Give Me Liberty!, 549).

Read Drayton and Lincoln's comments. Is the wolf's dictionary still in use today? If you think not, explain why. If so, can you cite an example? Your example can come from anywhere in the world.

How To Write Your Assignment Essays:

Your responses should be approximately 500 words. Strive to make a clear and decisive argument in each essay by dividing it into three parts:

1. Exposition. Your first paragraph should describe the reading, and briefly explain what you have decided about the questions posed.

2. Development. The middle of your essay should explain your answer. It should offer details about the main arguments and content of the reading to support your claims. It should also offer background from Give Me Liberty!

3. Conclusion. Your last paragraph should recapitulate your argument, and add some final point that you think bolsters your perspective.

You can use phases like "in this essay I argue . . . " or "I think that . . . " or "in conclusion, I believe that . . . "

Quote a little from the readings when you find some passage that illustrates your points. Use your Give Me Liberty! textbook to provide background, or to add additional quotes. When you quote, reference your quote at the end of the sentence like this:

(Give Me Liberty!, 375) or, for licensed (legal) online versions: (Give Me Liberty!, Kindle, Chapter 5) or (Give Me Liberty!, PDF, Chapter 5).

If you want to quote my lectures, just put the title in parenthesis, eg (Lasar, "Slavery and Freedom, Part II").

But please draw your material primarily from the textbook, and don't over-quote. Use your own words. And don't just copy passages verbatim as if they were your own. That's plagiarism (Links to an external site.).

Your teaching assistants will grade your papers from 100 to zero. Here is the rubric:

High grades (90+) will go to focused papers that emphasize a strong argument backed by clear references and that pay attention to spelling and grammar.

Medium grades (80-89) will go to competent papers that touch on the questions, but with less focus, organization, or reference backing.

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The book entitled “Give Me Liberty!” explains many things circulating in the past, which also happened to be brought in the present times. It is a book that contains much information, most especially what had happened in the past in the United States of America, but in this book, the word “liberty” draws the line as borders between places. It became an issue that gave birth to discrimination in different states between white and black Americans – especially in the South and North. This connected the phrase “The Wolf’s Dictionary,” which talked about liberty and the problem of slavery; this has been still in use in the present time. It may have been addressed in the past, but this phrase is still relevant but not as rampant as before. The letter of Thomas Drayton, who came from the South, gave different perspectives from the letter addressed and delivered by Abraham Lincoln, himself (Foner).
From South Carolina, Thomas Drayton owned a plantation letter to his brother clarifying the claim that the Southern people fought for slavery than freedom. “You say that I do not yet understand the position you have taken. I do fully but certainly differ from you when you say that to side with us would be “battling for slavery against freedom” (Give Me Liberty!, Bookshelf, Chapter 14). This letter was addressed to his brother, who worked in the United States of America – Navy. Due to the argument of having unfair treatment raised by the East, Abraham Lincoln spoke his words about liberty in the United States. He used the word “The Wolf’s Dictionary” to state that both places only have a different interpretation of this word that became a hindrance in unity. Maryland, a border state, is the best platform to bridge the gap between the varieties of freedom definition. A new constitution then arises, and this is where Lincoln wanted everyone to adapt. This Wolf’s Dictionary, in my view, has still ...
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