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Israel's War of Independence: Test for New State and Government

Essay Instructions:

With the eyes of the world on them, the Whiskey Rebellion revealed itself to be a test for the brand-new US Government, one that it managed to "pass".

In a brief (1.5 to 2-page) essay, give us another example from your own experiences/observations of a situation from history that you think could have been seen as a "test" for that government. What was it a test of, do you think? Did that government/nation pass or fail? Why?

Don't limit yourself to the US.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Israel's War of Independence in 1948-1949: Test for New State and Government
The birth of a nation, or a country, is a unique event in world history. The coming into being of a new state is not, however, always a peaceful process and often involves armed conflict. Understandably, resources, strategic significance, historical animosities and international meddling are a few reasons why – and, for that matter, how – new states come into being. The history includes several events where new states have come into being where in response to decades-, perhaps centuries-, old conflicts or accelerated by rapidly changing geopolitical situation. The birth of State of Israel is, for current purposes, of central interest. The coming into being as an “independent state” is, more specifically, discussed as a success for a newly created entity having no former internationally recognized existence.
Today, Israel is recognized as a full member of UN. Having virtually no formal existence as a nation state prior to 1948, Israel was only an ideal developed by generations of Jewish diaspora to create a state of and for Jewish people. In early 20th century, particularly during and after WWI, Great Britain, world's superpower, as well as victor countries in world's first Great War shared failing Ottoman Empire's vast areas and regions in what is now, largely, Middle East. Falling under Great Britain's protection, (Historical) Palestine became effectively under British control. The inter-war years, i.e. intervening years between WWI and WWII, witnessed increasing immigration of Jews into (Historical) Palestine. By WWII's end, a new
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geopolitical reality had emerged giving rise to US and USSR as world's main superpowers whilst
changing fortunes of old colonial powers, particularly Great Britain and France, to much ...
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