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Constitutional convention American government class History Essay

Essay Instructions:

In a 1.5-2 page essay, give me;

A) Your opinion on the importance of the Constitutional Convention

B) Which is the most important of the things it established (Checks & Balances, the Federal Government, or the Presidency)

C) What you think could have happened if we'd just fixed the Articles of Confederation (which basically established a voluntary Congress & voluntary taxation) instead of starting from scratch?

This assignment is meant to give us a lay of the land so to speak in terms of how you're viewing the direction of class, and for me to get a sense of where you stand on the material.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Constitutional convention
Importance of the constitutional convention
The constitutional convention implemented between May and June 1787 addressed the issues existing in the United States owing to a weak central government. The government existed under the articles of confederation (Wilson et al., 21). Although the government ruled based on the set agreements between the thirteen original states in America, there was significant chaos between the leadership and citizens. For instance, in issues such as tax since the states had agreed upon voluntary taxation. Anyone would agree that the government was limited since whatever was decided upon could be executed. However, the confederation articles were later replaced by the constitution in 1787, and the significant aspects regarding the government and leadership changed drastically. According to Wilson et al. (26), the emerging constitution instated a federal government with more specific powers guided by the law. It did engage not only local but also international relations with foreign governments. The executive branch directed most of the foreign affairs responsibilities after the reform. However, some issues, such as treaty ratification, remained under the legislative branch’s control but constitutional charge (Wilson et al., 21). The constitution served as the basis of guidance and governance in the United States after its enaction, following the convention’s State ratifications.
Most important of the things it established
The federal government was the most crucial aspect of the things established on the constitutional convention. The adopted government system divided power between the national and local state governments, connected by the central government (Wilson et al., 25). Some aspects of public relations are under the prominent national government’s contr...
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