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What Are The Points Of The Three Segments Of The Podcast?

Essay Instructions:

ACCESS and LISTEN to the entirety of the podcast 1865. YOU DO NOT NEED TO LIST TO THE FIRST or the LAST SEGMENT of the PODCAST.

Answer the following questions:

What are the point of the 3 segments of the podcast? Why is this a period of uncertainty?https://www(dot)backstoryradio(dot)org/shows/eighteen-sixty-five/

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Podcast 1865
What are the points of the three segments of the podcast?
The three segments talk about the events that occurred after the Civil War and what it meant for slaves to become free. The first segment of “Crime and punishment,” talks about the consequences suffered by leaders of the South. According to Brian Blight, the leaders did not face any severe punishment for the war, even though their actions against the Union were tantamount to treason. For example, the arrest of President Jefferson lasted for a short while as he was released after two years on a 100,000 dollars bail while Robert Lee was put under house arrest and stripped off his citizenship but remained in America. The ultimate punishment they faced was applying for presidential pardons from the then president Andrew Johnson. These leaders received leniency as the Union presidency wanted the surrender to be peaceful so they could rebuild the Union without it breeding into guerilla wars.
The second segment, “Once, twice, three times a free man,” talks about how slaves had to celebrate freedom one too many times before becoming completely emancipated. The passing of the 13th Amendment that criminalized slavery in 1865 did not do much to stop slavery. People in the North and the slaves knew of their rights and what the amendment represented. However, People of the South were reluctant to offer their slaves freedom. Some confined them within their lands while others killed them rather than giving them freedom. Enforcing the human rights for Union soldie...
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