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Naijing Decade

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay answering the following question: If you could pick any thirty-year period since 1860 in which to live a thirty-year-long life, which thirty-year span would you choose, and why? Describe what your life would be like during the time period you have chosen. To defend your answer, you may compare your preferred choice with at least one other three-decade period in modern China that seems less ideal to you. Write as yourself in your own voice

Tanner is the name of the author. This is the only source needed. Thank you. Please use a page number for every citation. That is a must.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Naijing decade
If I was to choose to live in China for a thirty year period since 1860, I would choose the year 1925 to 1955. I am particularly attracted to living in this place as it covers the Nanjing decade which is seen as a golden era because of the success made during the time. The decade was marked by a success of the northern expenditure and China had become united and had a central government (Tanner 155). This was achieved under the rule off Chiang Kai-shek to ensure that he fulfilled the goals set by Sun Yat-sen. Chiang Kai-shek was thus determined to turn China into a rich country that had a sufficient central government and a strong army that would defend it from enemies. I would have liked to live in the era and witness Chiang Kai-shek create an effective central government to understand what an effective government meant to him. His understanding of a central government required an authoritarian government under his leadership. Now, this would have been a bigger challenge living in the period as we know how an authoritarian government especially in a communist country can do to those who tend to disagree with the government.
Another area of interest during the Nanjing decade was to see Chiang Kai-shek amass and develop a strong military wing to protect the central government and the republic of China from its enemies. During the era, it was mandatory for a government to have the strongest military power as attacks and invasions were imminent. Many leaders before Chiang Kai-shek had their different strategies of creating a strong military army. However, I found Chiang Kai-shek’s strategy intelligent and well formed, especially given that such strategies were used in the 1920s. These are military strategies that we currently see in our military systems today. Chiang utilized the loyalty of trained units that were in the National army to build himself a strong army (Tanner 155). The commanders of these units were given the best facilities and equipment in return of their support for Chiang Kai-shek during his political agendas (Tanner 155). The commanders with their units gave Chiang Kai-shek a strong support for his political struggles that made him create enemies from his opponents in Guomindang (Tanner 155).
At this point, I would be enjoying a china that is relaxed with little tension because the country is united and has a central government. We would also be calm and excited as we discuss the next development plans that are to take place, now that the country has a stable government and will withstand any enemies as Chiang Kai-shek has assembled a strong elite force to protect us and our wealth. We would be excited discussing about the secret police department that was called “the Military Bureau of Investigation and Statistics” (Tanner 155), and wonder if they were too secret to hear whispers from Chiang Kai-shek. I would be excited about the capabilities of this secret service and how it would help in making our villages and streets safer by detecting attacks before they occur and neutralizing them. This is like an equivalent of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that gather intelligence about terrorism attacks and neutralize them before they hurt the citizens.
I imagine the excitement and hype we would be having within china during the Nanjing decade, with such a sophisticated military system that was not common during the period. Tanner observes that the investigation bureau was created into a domestic and international system that had agents even in enemy territory such as Guomindang, within the military, in cities, and overseas regions of China (Tanner 155). This was like a vast spy network that would help that Chiang Kai-shek’s government observes and neutralizes threats from other opp...
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