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Argumentative essay: Does Andrew Jackson deserve to be on the face of the $20 bill?

Essay Instructions:

Please read ALL of the instructions before you begin. You MUST use both sources I supplied and the textbook.

Midterm Essay Question

In 2016 the US Treasury announced it was replacing Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman on the front of the $20 bill. In your educated and well-explained opinion, does Andrew Jackson deserve to be on the face of the $20 bill? Why or why not? You should probably give some background information on Jackson and discuss his achievements and/or failures to support your argument. Things to consider and, perhaps, include:

Record as a soldier

Personal life before the presidency

The creation of the Democratic Party

The Bank War

The Eaton Affair and Cabinet issues

The Cherokee Removal

This is a moral (sense of right and wrong)/ethical (principles of behavior) question. Therefore, there is no universal right v. wrong. Different people will have different standards and principles. You will have your own theories and your essay should relate these experiences and beliefs. However, all arguments must be supported by fact-in this essay the facts come from the provided sources.


- 3 pages minimum - 5+ full pages (it can go over). The minimum is a firm rule.

- Double spaced, 11 or 12pt font. Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana, or Calibri script.

- Full citation of sources (Chicago, MLA, or APA) with in-text citation. When you use a source, immediately cite it.

-You may only use the two sources I provided and the textbook. You must cite these sources in your paper. No other sources are acceptable!

-You must use both supplied sources and the textbook somewhere in your essay. If your argument goes against the evidence in the source, use it as a counterpoint to contradict.

- Fully answer the question and support your argument with fact. Offer your own perspective and moral opinion.

- Please do not use Harriet Tubman as an argument. This essay is designed argue the historical importance of Jackson. Keep your arguments centered on Andrew Jackson.


- The only sources you may use for this assignment are the three listed below and you must include all three in your essay. You must cite the material you use.

1) Open Stax- Textbook, particularly Chapter 10 since it deals with Jackson. Still, you may use other information from the textbook if it helps your essay.

2) This website: https://millercenter(dot)org/president/jackson (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

- The Andrew Jackson pages of the Miller Center are edited by Dr. Daniel Feller. Dr. Feller is an excellent historian that specializes in Andrew Jackson. In addition, he also edits The Andrew Jackson Papers. You will find that Dr. Feller typically takes a more approving view of Jackson than other historians.

- There are several "Life in Depth" essays on this page. You may use any and all of them.

3) This letter written by a soldier involved in the Trail of Tears:




Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Argumentative essay: Does Andrew Jackson deserve to be on the face of the $20 bill?
President Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the U.S., was both a leading actor in U.S’s government and an extremely controversial person throughout his life. Born and raised in South Carolina, the western part of the country, the self-made individual rose from obscurity, served in the military and studied the law, which ushered him into the world of politics as a congressman, senator, Governor and eventually the U.S president in 1829. His presidency was characterized by strong actions against banks, firm policies, controversial firing of government employees and painful and heartbreaking policies against the minorities. While he is considered one of the most popular presidents of all time, his strong-willed yet destructive policies against the Cherokee people, the devastation of banks, his personal life before becoming the president and his cabinet issues make him undeserving of having his face on the 20 dollar bill.
The 1830 Indian Removal Act that saw the Cherokee people’s forceful relocation is the primary reason he should not be in the 20 dollar bills. In his initial message to Congress, President Jackson voiced his dislike for Native American groups such as the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaws and the Creeks living separately in various states such as Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee. While he claimed not to have a personal problem with the Indian people, his view of the tribe as of lower civilization to that of the whites and the discovery of gold in areas inhabited by these people saw the forceful displacement of the Cherokee people (Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia a). According to Trail of Tears, the aggressive relocation of this Indian ethnic group from their legally owned land in Mississippi to Oklahoma led to war as some of them resisted, and in return, government soldiers killed them (Anchor). It also resulted in over ten thousand Cherokee people’s demise due to the harsh winter conditions during the move, sickness, hunger, depression, sadness, and mistreatment by some soldiers. Breaking families also occasioned as parents and children were separated in the forceful eviction and driven to stockades (Anchor). The murder of these Cherokees, with President Jackson under watch without taking any action to prevent and alleviate their suffering, made this the lowest point of his presidency and the darkest part of the United States’ history.
The bank war is another reason why Jackson should not be memorialized in the 20 dollar bill. Among the main goals of President Jackson was the destruction of the national bank. In 1791, the U.S. Congress created the Bank of the U.S. as significant support of the Alexander Hamilton Financial Program. Its mandate was to provide the national paper currency, act as the federal government banker while lending money for profit. To Jackson, however, according to Daniel Feller, the existence of the bank was risky, unconstitutional and its national reach and high status made it a tool for the rich and anti-democratic entities (Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia a). His hate for paper money and preference for hard currency such as gold or silver, and his personal dislike of the national bank’s director Nicholas Biddle further informed his decision to veto the 1832 bill that sought to extend the bank’s charter. In 1833, to further destabilize the chartered banks, he moved government deposits to state-chartere...
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