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Reasons for American Entry into World War I

Essay Instructions:

Essay Question #9

Based upon your instructor’s lecture on YouTube and readings in your textbook, write the following essay:

Identify the reasons for American entry into World War I.

Hint: There are nine of them. Briefly explain each one.

Link to your instructor’s video lecture on YouTube: https://youtu(dot)be/kzK_pH5XRC4

Each essay should be around one to two typed pages (double-spaced/12 pt. font) containing two paragraphs or more. You are trying to show me what you learned, so the more detail and explanation you provide the better. Writing does count, so look over your work for clarity, spelling, and grammar. Also be sure to use capital letters properly for names, places, and institutions.

The only materials you are allowed to use must come ONLY from sources I provide, whether they be online lectures, readings in your textbook, assigned documentaries, or PowerPoint presentations. Those that plagiarize will fail the course and be reported, while those using materials from outside the lectures, but have not plagiarized, will receive a zero on any question in which any outside material is used. In other words, do not copy anything from the internet, paste it into your essay, and try to pass it off as your work. Just don’t do it. All of your submissions are run through “SafeAssign,” a program that searches the internet and reports plagiarism.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reasons for American entry into World War I
The first reason why America entered World War I was to avoid losing all the money it had lent the allies. A few years into the war, the Allies were beginning to run out of money to fund their war effort. In turn, the United States (U.S.) was extending them credit to enable them to continue the war (Bales). A loss to the central powers meant that America could not recover its loans. Hence, the U.S. had to join the war in support of the allies.
The second reason was the sinking of the Lusitania. The Lusitania was a passenger liner with several vacationers onboard, including Americans. Despite not being armed, the ship was sunk by German U-boats prompting an angry response from President Woodrow Wilson and the American public (Bales).
The third reason was due to Germany’s abandonment of the Sussex pledge. The Sussex was another passenger liner that the Germans sunk (Bales). However, after this occurrence, Germans agreed not to sink any more unarmed ships. Still, noting that most of the unarmed vessels from the U.S. were ferrying war materials to the allies, Germany chose to abandon the Sussex pledge and continue sinking all U.S. merchant ships (Bales). Again, this angered the American public, the president, and the administration.
The fourth reason was due to the spread of propaganda by the British. When the war began, Germany and Britain sent messages to the U.S., each trying to convince the neutral country to join the war in their favour. Eventually, Britain cut Germany’s cable to the U.S., leaving only the flow of British messages into America (Bales). These messages, which were mainly propaganda, painted Germany as evil and Britain as moral. The bias created by Britain eventually led America to join the war in support of the allies.
The fifth reason was due to German spies and saboteurs in the U.S. Realizing the wealth of resources that A...
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