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The Gubernatorial Race in North Carolina: Review and Analysis of the Campaign

Essay Instructions:

Investigate one election and determine what information was available to voters, how the competitors presented their case and what factors may have resulted in a successful campaign for public office.

First, go to 2020 Election Results https://www(dot)wral(dot)com/elections/nc/results/19321216/?group=top_races. This will give you the results for the top races (Governor, Senate and Attorney General). To get the other results click on the box that says "select race group'.

Governor of North Carolina

Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina

US Senate

US House of Representatives

NC State Senate

NC State House of Representatives

NC Attorney General

NC Commissioner of Labor

NC Superintendent of Public Instruction

NC State Treasurer

NC Supreme Court (Choose Seat 1, Seat 2 or Seat 4)

Step 2- Research the candidates and the campaigns.

Potential Sources:

Candidate campaign web pages

Candidate Platforms (Issues they highlight on their web page)

Candidate bios


Candidate Ballotpedia pages

News articles that discuss the campaign

Interviews with candidates (Many local newspapers, such as the Raleigh News and Observer, feature interviews or profiles of the candidates)

Past elections results (search for seat on ballotpedia or NC State Board of Elections web page)

Publicly available polling on the race

Exit polling

Interviews with candidates

Step 3 - Identify race, candidates, major issues from initial research and structure of the paper and at least 3 MLA cited sources.

Step 4 - determine who won that race on election day, November 3rd. (Some close races may take a few days to be decided)

Step 5 - complete a review and analysis of the campaign. Was the race in a district or statewide? Where is that district and what are the general demographics of that district, or the state? Who were the candidates? Why were they running? What were their qualifications for the position? Was there an incumbent running to keep their job? Does the district or state-wide race lean Republican or Democrat? Was there an early favorite in the race? Was there public polling conducted on the race? What issues were the candidates talking about? Were there any scandals or negative attacks?

Step 6 - Did the predicted candidate win? This could be according to polls, or if there is an incumbent, the incumbent is almost always likely to win.

Step 7 - What factors do you think impacted the race? Was the incumbent popular or well known? Was there a coattails effect based on the turnout and outcome of the Presidential or a Gubernatorial election? Were there salient issues that swayed voters in this district or across the state?

Step 8 - Conclude your paper by telling me what you learned about American democracy and electoral politics through your research. Do you think American elections provide voters with enough accurate information to be informed in their decisions? Was there anything in your research that surprised you about our electoral process? What questions do you still have about why certain candidates won or why we run elections the way we currently do? Do you have any suggestions for how to improve how we choose our elected leaders?

Paper Requirements:

MLA Format

5-7 pages

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Gubernatorial race of North Carolina
November 3, 2020, North Carolina gubernatorial elections were concurrent with the U.S. presidential elections. The gubernatorial race was statewide as it was conducted across all of North Carolina. Incumbent governor Roy Cooper was more eligible to win the election, and he announced his intention to run for a second term on December 5, 2019. He won the state primary elections held on March 20, 2020 ("Democratic Party Gubernatorial Primaries, 2020."). He outperformed other democrats with a margin of 4.51%.
After the 3rd November elections, Cooper was re-elected after defeating the republican nominee Lieutenant Dan Forest. Out of the 5,502,777 voters, the demographics were that he garnered 51.52 %, 2,834,790 votes ("North Carolina Party Gubernatorial Primaries," 1). He also beat the Libertarian Stevie J. DiFiore (Steven DiFiore II, 1). Roy Cooper, a member of the Democratic Party, was endorsed by the 44th president of America, Barrack Obama. He was also endorsed by other state and local officials, such as Pete Buttigieg of Indiana. The Equality NC organization also supported his bid. Cooper maintained a lead in the election poll against his opponent Forest of the Republican Party. His lead was maintained at 9.5 'points for the six months before the election (Bulletpedia, 1). Cooper was qualified for the general candidate requirements. He was over 30 years of age, a citizen of the United States, and a North Carolina resident, and had served only one term in the position. Cooper won the elections as per the predicted polls.
The Review and Analysis of the Campaign
Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest launched his campaign by denouncing socialism and his| strict anti-abortion rules. He also called for an expanded state-funded school voucher program that would cater to all North Carolinas irrespective of their economic background. This program would be the center of his campaigns (Home | Lieutenant Governor, 5). He countered Cooper's decision to temporarily close down all businesses due to the Covid-19 pandemic arguing that the Influenza had killed more North Californians than the Covid-19 pandemic. He reasoned that the reaction was exaggerated. He echoed for 'liberation.' His campaign team also announced that it had donated close to $200,000 for the economic assistance of the vulnerable people of North Carolina. He was, however, criticized for his failure to wear a mask and breaking social distancing, claims which he disapproved of for being "ludicrous." Forest was qualified to run for office as he was of the required 30 years limit and had not served in the gubernatorial seat for two terms. He was also a resident of North Carolina for at least two years before the general election date.
Cooper has a history in the political field as he has served in public offices since 1986 and was a two-time attorney general of North Carolina. His tenure as attorney general Mike Nifong case's dismissal case dismissed the case against Duke Lacrosse team players (Bycoffe et al., 6). His staring record as the attorney general won him bipartisan praise and popularity among North Carolina people. Therefore, he won a record for his involuntary commitment to public service. Cooper had an edge against his opponent, Forest, an architect by trade, often labeled as the "Wrong kind of Republican." Forest often made extreme remarks, and this made him more unpopular among the voters. Cooper, on the other hand, is the antonym of controversy. He is a soft-spoken licensed attorney, and he never deviated from his plan of action. Cooper won due to his anti-voter-suppression and gerrymandering tactics.
Cooper's popularity grew after Governor Pat passed the Public Facilities Privacy and Security act, which devastated the economy. After many corporations began protesting the economic impact, such as the cancellation of expansion plans and job investments, Cooper's approval ratings rose dramatically. He seemed to have an added advantage, and he won over great margins. As the governor of North Carolina from 2016 through 2020, Cooper passed several bills that would enhance the safety and security and safety of the people of North Carolina. These include; domestic violence protective orders and drug enforcement regulations. During this time, he contributed to economic enhancement for the state of California. He proposed the $25.2 billion budget for a salary increment of various state workers (Roy Cooper, 7). Cooper announced that he was working towards rebuilding North Carolina's economy and increasing Medicaid amid the Covid-19 pandemic. He heavily criticized Lieutenant Governor Forest's opposition to the Medicaid expansion. Cooper asserted his efforts to help create...
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