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Indian Removal Policy: Argumentative Essay

Essay Instructions:

See the attached assignment. I attached the all the discussions and you can choose which one you gonna do and I will send the primary sources for that discussion topic because there are many things so I will only attach the topics and when you have a decision I will send the source.

Thank you.

! Do not use outside resources please!

UPDATE 07.05

You are supposed to write an argumentative essay that uses the sources from one of the weeks to support your argument. Your paper just seems to summarize the sources without providing any argument or analysis at all. You have the option to revise and resubmit, but you need to completely change what you're doing in the paper. I would highly recommend that you look at the example essay closely so that you know exactly what you're expected to do.

I will also attach the example paper and the original paper with comments.

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Indian Removal Policy: Argumentative Essay
In our interaction with others, we are faced with conflict, which can either be racial or identity conflicts. Racial strife has been there since time immemorial, as evidenced in Keith's work. We are introduced to friction between the Native Americans and the white settlers over land. The then-president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, initiated the "Indian removal" policy to allow for peaceful coexistence by removing Indians to areas far away from the white settlers. The procedure was not received well by some Indians, such as Tecumseh, chief of the Shawnee. Jefferson and others like Pushmataha, the head of Choctaw believed in negotiation towards implementing peace and coexistence among the people. In contrast, Tecumseh believed in war to fight for what was rightfully theirs, according to their fathers.
Background information
In Tecumseh's speech to the Choctaw and Chickasaws, it is clear the chief believes in a unit of action to wedge war against their oppressors. “[L]et us by unity of action destroy them all, which we now can do, or drive them back whence they came. War is currently our only choice " (Keith). The chief is convinced that use of force is the only option. On the other hand, Pushmataha cautions the people of the danger that might affect them if the whites fight back. “Here me, O, my countrymen, if you begin this war it will end in calamities to us from which we are now free and at a distance; and upon whom of us they will fall, will only be determined by the uncertain and hazardous event. . . .” (Keith). He is aware that the whites were well equipped, and this would cause more harm to the Indian tribe. He chose to go for dialogue and negotiation with their enemies, which is likely to bore fruits as the whites become friendly, as evidenced in Jefferson's letter.
Thesis statement
Negotiation and peace talks can be better tools for problem-solving, and it would be the best option for our case. This method would bring peaceful coexistence among the Native Americans and the white settlers and reduce losses and deaths among the Native Americans.
Pushmataha, the chief of the Choctaw tribe, is putting it clear that through experience, he has witnessed destruction and more harm as a result of the war in solving conflict. He believes that rush and dangerous resolutions in matters racial conflicts would result in much destruction and even eviction of the race. In his speech during the debate at the Choctaw and Chickasaw council (1811), the chief insists on implementing justice to the affected parties “The war, which you are now contemplating against the Americans, is a flagrant breach of justice; yea, a fearful blemish on your honor and also that of your fathers, and which you will find if you will examine it carefully and judiciously, forebodes nothing but destruction to our entire race.” (Keith). I completely agree with him, for it would ensure peaceful coexistence among the people. Negotiation is also the best tool as the American people were friendly to them during that time. This friendly environment would favor and allow peace talks towards bringing the groups together.
Choctaw and Chickasaw ancestors had resolved for war to solve a problem, which led to their issues then. To ensure stable coexistence, the chief (Pushmataha) believes they should abandon war and try negotiation. “Here me, O, my countrymen, if you begin this war it will end in calamities to us from which we are now free and at a distance; and upon whom of us they will fall, will only be determined by the uncertain and hazardous event. . . .” (Keith). War might bring a short-lasting peace to the race, but there will be revenge after every war, and in the end, the lesser race of the Indians would be depleted by the mightier race. Therefore, it would be wiser to go for dialogue and justice to solve the conflict and compensate for whomever unjust was done, ensuri...
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