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The change of market: Confrontation between labor and capital

Essay Instructions:

1.Please follow the prompts in the documents uploaded and ONLY use materials uploaded.

2.Clear thesis which ANSWER the questions.

3.For every paragraph, please (if possible) analyze appropriate example and choose quotes to support the key idea.

4.Correct pages of all quotes.

Assignment 1
The economy and labor market of the United States underwent massive changes in the late 1800s. In the industrial north, a growing number of men, women, and children of different racial, ethnic, and occupational backgrounds became wage laborers. In the agricultural south, many former slaves also became wage laborers working for wealthy landowners and employers. One of the major issues in this time period was the conflict between these workers and their employers, the struggle between labor and capital. What were some of the major efforts by workers to form unions or political organizations to improve their jobs in the late 1800s? How easy or difficult was it for workers to unite with one another? Why did employers and government officials often resist these efforts and how did it affect the success of these efforts?
Write a 4 to 5-page, double-spaced paper in 12-point font that addresses the questions posed above. Be sure to base your claims on the assigned readings, documents, and other materials covered in class during weeks 1 through 3. You should use some combination of the prologue and the first three chapters of Who Built America volume 2, Alex Gourevitch’s “Our Forgotten Labor Revolution,” Samuel Gompers’s “What Does Labor Want,” Andrew Carnegie’s The Gospel of Wealth chapter 2, and the “Statement of Pullman Strikers.” Your paper should not mention every possible example from these materials, but adequately analyze and discuss the examples you choose.
Your paper should follow standard grammar, punctuation, and citation methods (APA, MLA, or Chicago).

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The Change of Market: Confrontation between Labor and Capital
In the 1800’s there was a major change in the market and economy of the United States. The shift from slavery to free labor concerned African Americans who had been slaves. Other workers, including white and black free laborers, increasingly shifted from artisan work/self-employment to wage labor. Prior to the shift, there had been a great call for the end of slavery. In the north, which was more industrial, people from different races and ethnic backgrounds became wage laborers. In the south which was more agricultural, people who were formerly slaves became wage laborers for landowners and rich employers. The shift from slavery to laborers brought various changes to the people which included the realization that as workers they still had their rights and their employers had no right to mistreat them or subject them to any form of unfavorable working conditions. The workers started forming labor unions and political organizations which had the objective of ensuring workers enjoyed maximum benefits from their labor.
Formation of Labor Unions and Organizations in the 1800’s
Workers came to realize the powers that were held by their employers and they knew that so as to be able to match their employers they needed to be united. They realized the various ways in which they were being exploited, for example, long working hours where the working hours were 12 hours a day. They came to realize that they were handicapped when negotiating with the employers because they lacked unity. Lack of unity meant they could not match the employers who held a lot of power with them. In a bid to equal this power, they started forming labor unions which were meant to negotiate favorable terms on their behalf (Zinn, pp234). They also sought to the formation of political organizations which were targeted at ensuring that the workers were represented in Congress where most decisions were made.
Workers formed the National Labor Union (NLU) in 1866. The union, which was more of a federation since it was made of several local organizations, led the workers to the negotiation of the reduction of working hours to 8 hours in a day. There was then the formation of the Knights of Labor which was an organization that opened its membership to all laborers regardless of whether they were skilled or unskilled (Gompers, 390). The Knights of Labor was a really important union, but you are lacking a lot of details about when it was most active, who led it, who joined it, and what it stood for. And while it did decline after the Haymarket Square riots, the Knights were not really involved in that conflict. (Nardo, 80).
Later in 1886, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) was formed. The AFL came with a strong belief that held that workers needed unions that were well organized and effective if they were to get favorable working conditions. The AFL was a federation that strictly organized unions for skilled labor where it held that the American skilled labor was not be reduced neither was the workmanship and skills held by the workers (Gompers, 390).
The unions and other organizations succeeded at various points making the working conditions more favorable. An example is where they succeeded in reducing the workers from 12 hours a day to 10 hours as petitioned by the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association in 1843 then to 8 hours after the intervention made by the NLU. Formation of the NLU and the AFL were some of the greatest efforts that workers in the US are to improve their jobs in the late 1800s. Other remarkable organizations that were formed during this time were Western Federation of Miners, American Railway Union (ARU) among other unions which were formed by workers with regard to their different professions. ARU, in 1894 led workers of Pullman Strikers to boycott the railroads led by Eugene Debs (Lichtenstein, 146).
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