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Stonewall By Martin Duberman

Essay Instructions:

For each unit listed in the course calendar below, you will be required to submit a unit paper (3+ pages) that engages one selection or more from the material encountered in that unit. Unit papers will be evaluated as follows:

• Completed, turned in on time, 3+ pages, proper format. (2 points)

• Provides thoughtful detail about how what we encounter in class connects or contrasts with your own experience and knowledge. Guiding questions: What does what we’re learning mean for how you see the world or how you are in the world? How does this affirm or challenge what you thought or knew prior to the unit? In what ways, if any, was the material in this unit meaningful to you? Note: There aren’t “right” answers to these questions, only thoughtful ones. (2 points). You can use "I“ in the essay. The whole point is to show you have done the reading and share your thoughts. You can pick one movement and write about it. I don't need "yelp reviews". Needed quote from the documents that we read.

• This is not a writing-centered course, but your points come across better if presented professionally. Please edit carefully for grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. Careless work or significant writing issues will cause you to lose points here. See me for help or guidance if you have concerns about your writing. (2 points)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Course Instructor Date Unit Paper 1 The article by Martin Duberman on Stonewall is very enlightening as far as LGBTQ rights are concerned. The article clearly outlines the struggles that gay people in particular have faced over time in an attempt to be accepted and recognized in various communities. Through the article, it is quite easy to understand how the government, especially in the United States blindly supported the suppression and repression of the gay people in the past years. The work by Duberman has undoubtedly helped me have a different perception of the world particularly through the analysis of its historical events. In essence, life in today’s world is still being affected largely by the historical events at Stonewall as seen by many minority groups often trying to fight for their rights through Pride Marches. In cases where these rights are violated, it usually leads to riots like in the case described by Duberman. By looking into this, there is no doubt that gay rights had been ignored for a long time and that the revolutionary resistance at Stonewall played a major role in setting the pace for the liberation of the gay people. In many ways, the mentioned reading has both affirmed and challenged what I knew before this unit. To begin with, it has affirmed the fact that gay people have always been violently repressed or in other cases openly denied their rights. Most people, especially the straight ones often see them as queers or “faggots” and therefore think that they have little or no rights at all. That explains why those in power stepped on any efforts by them either to be recognized or engage in businesses like any other individuals. In the case described by Martin Duberman for example, we are told of the police being used to forcefully shut down a local gay bar that had been allegedly carrying out its operations without a proper license. There is also the mention of the bar patrons and a number of the customers being arrested by the police (Zinn & Arnove). It is surprising that the police would go to such an extent of beating innocent people when all they wanted was to operate peacefully just like the other people in the community. In the confrontation between the police and the people, one person is heard asking them, “What you got against faggots? We don’t do you nuthin’!”. By stating this, the author clearly shows that the gay individuals were being treated with undeserving violence unlike their straight counterparts. It is even surprising that instead of the government trying to listen to the plight of the people, it opted to send reinforcement in form of the TPF in an obvious attempt to silence the gay people. All these confirm my prior thoughts that indeed, some factions of the government are yet to accept gays or the idea of gay rights. Fortunately, a number of researches have begun focusing on the fact that gay rights and human rights cannot be separated (Ronald). In another way, the article challenged my belief that magazines and newspapers always support gay rights. As seen in the given case however, renowned newspapers and magazines of the time such as The Post, and Times barely gave their support for the gay rights. It is no wonder that one of their agendas was to “to publish… own newspaper,” (Teal). To this end, it is quite nice to note that most of the rights of this group are being honored. There is no doubt that members of the gay community and the entire LGBTQ group have always been seen and perceived as a threat to the “normal” social codes by a good number of straight individuals. In other words, they are even seen as an embarrassment and therefore efforts are often made to stop them from speaking or seeking the same rights like other people. In the story for instance, it is quite clear that the Stonewall gay bar had operated for more than three years and just “a few meters from the 6th precinct, (Teal). While this is true, it makes one wonder why the police would be sent to shut the bar down for operating without a license. Th...
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