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American War With Iran Using Specific Details And Reasonable Assumptions

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Assess the likelihood of an Israeli/American war with Iran using specific details and reasonable assumptions.
Tensions have been high between Israel and Iran in the past few years, and one cannot be faulted if they are to entertain the thought of these two nations coming to blows at one point. Israel and Iran have been involved in a long game which continually threatens the peace in the Middle East. These two nations have been fighting through proxies since the Iranian Islamic Revolution in 1979. Friedman (2018) writes that they have also used “assassination squads and cyber-virus attacks.” However, there has never been an all-out war between these two nations. Their armies have not met on the battlefield, but there is a possibility that this might change especially when one considers the events in Syria. Syria has for some time now been a battlefield for Israeli and Iranian forces. The two nations have been as Friedman puts it “quietly trading blows directly, not through proxies, in Syria.” Could this spiral into an all-out war?
Well, the answer is yes. There is a likelihood that Israel and Iran may soon suit up for battle. On February 10th, 2018, an Iranian drone was shot down in Israel’s northern airspace. Lee (2018) notes that the Iranian drone was weaponized something that Iran had denied. According to the Israeli Defense Forces, the drone was “armed with explosives and was tasked to attack Israel territory.” These claims are indeed enough to start a war. However, instead of an all-out war, the two countries are still trying to test each other’s resolve.
In the act of retaliation, Israel launched attacks on T4 which as Friedman writes is the “drone’s home base.” This attack directly targeted “for ...
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