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Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Essay Instructions:

Directions for the 4 REQUIRED paper assignments: 1-2 pages, typed & double-spaced

Papers should respond to the following questions:

1. Historical issue: Name the approximate time period for the story, and tell what historical issue is central to the story. What “–ism” is part of this struggle? Explain.

2. Describe the problem faced by a major character in the book, and tell how this person responds to the problem. Does the character fight against the conditions that threaten him/her; or does the character accommodate to them? Explain.

3. What does this reading say to us in 2019? Do persons today face any similar problems?

Papers must be typed and double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman or equivalent type, 1-inch margin. Sources must be cited, using parenthetical notes (MLA format), for all information that is not your own analysis. (This includes analysis and facts from other authors, whether quoted or restated. Direct quotes must be in quotation marks, or indented and single-spaced if long quotes.) Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable source; if you use information from Wikipedia, you must find, read, and reference the sources listed on the Wikipedia site. PLEASE DO FOLLOW DETAILS HERE

Grades for required papers will be based on the following rubric:

30 points 1. Answers all (3) questions clearly.

30 points 2. Refers to the reading with specific examples for each question.

30 points 3. Shows understanding of the reading and thoughtful reflection on the significance.

20 points 4. Follows directions for type, format and length.

15 points 5. Uses parenthetical citations to indicate source of material, and lists full citations on separate sheet of paper, with MLA format.

TOTAL: 125 points. Extra credit for Socratic Seminar participation, 5 points.

Papers will be checked for plagiarism, and violations will result in a zero for the course. Reminder: Turning in the work of others as your own is stealing, intellectually dishonest, and morally wrong. It is a violation of the goal of education and of this course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
(Student’s name) (Professor’s name) History 23 February 2019 Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Frankenstein is one of the greatest stories ever told about science, experimentation, and how mankind can make a mistake no matter how much research was done. Frankenstein is a classic story that has been told many times and how significant it is to society until today. However, those who are not aware of its importance and why it is a classic will know more about it from the realizations that will be given. The story of Victor Frankenstein happened in 1816 at Geneva, Switzerland. During this time, the stories were written to capture the attention of readers who are very curious about experimentation and the ability of creating a human. According to Lapore, “Frankenstein” was no minor piece of genre fiction but a literary work of striking originality (2018). Victor Frankenstein is a scientist who created a monster in his own laboratory, but the outcome was not something he was expecting. Victor Frankenstein only intended to create a human by the use of science but not everything went according to plan. The problem encountered by the main character in the book was the murder of Elizabeth Lavenza when she got married to Victor Frankenstein. The murderer was the creating of Frankenstein and was gravely rejected for the way he looked because of his disfigured face, irregular height, and how he came to be. Killing Elizabeth was his revenge to society because they avoided him, and they saw him as a scary creature who needs to be avoided. Victor Frankenstein tried to stop h...
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