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New Deal and Free Economy. History Research Paper Essay

Essay Instructions:

Your responses should be approximately 500 words (no more; 400 minimum). Strive to make a clear and decisive argument in each essay by dividing it into three parts:

1. Exposition. Your first paragraph should describe the reading, and briefly explain what you have decided about the questions posed.

2. Development. The middle of your essay should explain your answer. It should offer details about the main arguments and content of the reading to support your claims. It should also offer background from Give Me Liberty!

3. Conclusion. Your last paragraph should recapitulate your argument, and add some final point that you think bolsters your perspective.

You can use phases like "in this essay I argue . . . " or "I think that . . . " or "in conclusion, I believe that . . . "

Quote a little from the readings when you find some passage that illustrates your points. Use your Give Me Liberty! textbook to provide background, or to add additional quotes. When you quote, reference your quote at the end of the sentence like this:

(Give Me Liberty!, 375) or (Voices, 96).

But don't over-quote. Use your own words. And don't just copy passages verbatim as if they were your own.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
New Deal and Free Economy.
The phrase if the average citizen is guaranteed equal opportunity in the polling place then he must have equal opportunity in the polling place by Roosevelt has a bigger no bigger meaning other than its literal one as seen. That is the same equal chance given to the voters whether rich or coming from a royal family should be the same opportunity given in the labour and economic markets. Based on the new deal Roosevelt confirms that the above is not provided. Roosevelt observes the terms liberty and freedom to describe the economy and he explicitly confirms that the new environment does not offer a free and liberal economy as the small-scale entrepreneurs are shortchanged. He frequently refers to the economy as one with inequality and lacks freedom. He refers to business critics of his theory as royalist opposed to freedom of the common citizen in America.
Looking at Give Me Liberty (172) Roosevelt reminiscing on the togetherness that was with the people when they were fighting for freedom. Bounded by one aim that is to get freedom from the political autocracy in the 18th century. The battle was to get freedom from the passive royalist who ruled without the consent of the ruled; they denied citizen the right of worship, free speech, free assembly and held the life of an average man. The victory over political autocracy returned power to the common man and hence freedom. However, Roosevelt confirms that this was just the beginning as new inve...
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