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The Mongols People. History Research Paper Essay

Essay Instructions:

Research the Mongol empire (under first Genghis Khan) and consider at a minimum the following: each one in its own paragraph

A. Genghis Kahn's efforts to unite the Mongols

B. Humanitarian, Legal, and Religious Reforms

C. Political and organizational expertise

D. The Mongols rule of China

message from customer - please be sure to have a introduction paragraph and a conclusion paragraph plus the four topic I added in the first message,

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The Mongols
The Mongol Empire is still considered the largest contiguous empire in the history of the world. Between 1206 and 1368, the Mongol Empire grew and showcased its vicious side in Asia and some parts of Europe. Led by the immortal Genghis Khan, the Mongols run wild and fought/decimated any kingdom or army that tried to go against it in battle. Szczepanski (np) notes that “the Mongols took control of approximately 24,000,000 square kilometers (9,300,000 square miles) or Eurasia from the backs of their sturdy little horses.” The success of the kingdom was and still is one of the wonders of the world. There has never been any kingdom as big or as visionary as the Mongol Empire. However, it was the size that led to major complications and eventual downfall of the empire in 1368. The empire, as Szczepanski (np) rights “was rife with domestic unrest and civil war, despite rulership remaining closely linked to the original Khan's bloodline.” Because of the complications of maintaining such a large kingdom, the pressure soon became overwhelming, and the kingdom had its inevitable death. However, the name Genghis Khan still lives, and this article seeks to reinforce this statement by discussing his exploits and his empire.
Genghis Kahn’s Efforts to Unite the Mongols
During his birth and childhood days, the nomad tribes were constantly fighting and stealing from each other. There was no peace as survival for the fittest was considered the perfect philosophy of life at the time. So, people stole from each other, and no one had managed to show the people how powerful they would have been had they considered the option of joining hands. Petty issues kept the tribes separated and in constant quarrels. However, Genghis Khan grew wary of this divide and sought to mend the broken bridges. Having grown up differently and outside his clan, Khan was determined to break the cultural barriers and expectations that further separated the tribes. Khan started gaining followers slowly as his unorthodox rules and way of life became popular. Slowly, the nomadic tribes in the Mongolian Steppe started to warm up to him, and the numbers behind him grew exponentially.
While Genghis Khan is remembered mainly because of the empire he eventually had, one might make the argument that it was this unification that should be considered his greatest achievement. He managed a feat that was not considered possible before and was even crowned the title of Chinggis Khan (History.com, np). This meant that the tribes recognized him as the universal ruler of the nomadic tribes living in the Mongolian steppe. In the end, he had a loyal army, the resources to stage expeditions but most of all, he had a vision which he eventually actualized.
Humanitarian, Legal, and Religious Reforms
One humanitarian reform that stands out from the rest is Genghis Khan’s insistence on posting competent allies instead of relatives to the key administrative positions within his empire. Genghis Khan sought to enhance predictability, partnership, and accountability within his empire and this was a great strategy of doing that. Having competent allies meant that...
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