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Secondary Disciplinary Literacy

Essay Instructions:
Describe how inquiry-based teaching methods can affect student learning math ( algebra) B. Design one authentic writing activity that is specific math (suggested length of 2–3 pages). Be sure to address each of the following elements of your writing activity: • type of writing (e.g., science report, persuasive essay, research paper) • activity topic (e.g., volcanoes, pollution, a historical event) • discipline standard • description of the disciplinary writing activity, including a scaffold you will use to help your students write like a disciplinary expert and an instructional strategy you will use to support writing and learning in the content area • curricular content (e.g., texts, online sources) that you will use to support the activity 1. Explain how your disciplinary writing activity will promote understanding of the activity topic. 2. Justify how the instruction (i.e., curricular content, instructional strategies) you chose to incorporate into your writing activity will enhance student understanding of the content. Use course source materials or other scholarly research in your justification.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name Instructor’s Name Course Section Date Title Inquiry-based teaching methods can significantly affect students' attitudes towards solving algebra problems and using concrete experiences with actual involvement in activities like pattern discovery or real-world problem-solving gives the students a contextual hold of the algebraic principles. This approach develops critical thinking, permits cooperative learning management, ensures the individualized instruction, and contributes to overtime mastering of the mathematical ideas, then goes to revolution of learning and obtaining by all students of the school equal results. This teaching model also stresses the significance of thoughtful, scrutinizing sort of thinking, known as critical thought. When students confront mathematical issues and look for various solutions to come up with ones that they can make sense of, they will obviously generate the ability to think in an analytical manner, reason out logically, and remain resilient and creative in the face of challenges. This goes a long way to make sure that they do not only understand algebra but get the ability to use algebraic concepts both inside the classroom and outside it (Khirwadkar 43). Thus, inquiry-based teaching methods in Algebra can be seen as a new and innovative approach to the ways of academic education, engaging students into thoughtful activity and learning progress. In the context of an authentic writing activity that is specific to Mathematics, learners start a journey to investigate relations between algebraic concepts and real-life applications (Bakker et al. 6). As students pick the subject area of high interest from areas of finance, engineering, science, and technology, they are consequently getting to learn how Algebra is integrated with re...
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