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School Report

Essay Instructions:
Compare the different classroom processes in your observation (mainly physical education). Address the issue of diversity in the class or classes that you observed. Analyze some of the problems exhibited by students in the class or classes that you observed and show how these problems relate to the major issues highlighted in class discussions ( peer culture, school culture, high school drop off, title one, teacher's responsibilities, student' responsibilities...etc). Also, explain how the problems identified in your observations can be addressed by teachers. Finally, inform the reader how your observation will impact on your future choice of career.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name: Tutor: Class: Date: School Report: Student Diversity in American Schools Throughout my observations, I had the chance to witness different classroom processes, especially in physical education classes, where diversity was a primary influence. One of the processes was teacher-centered instruction, where the educator leads the student, offering instructions and closely directing learners' actions during the lesson. In such classes, I observed learners from different socioeconomic, cultural, and sometimes linguistic backgrounds coming together to engage in physical activities. Moreover, in some classes, I observed a structured process where the classes had a clear routine, with warm-up exercises, organized short games, and skill drills. In this observation, students would come together and interact while developing physical fitness, the ability to perform, and the capability to enjoy day-to-day physical activities with ease. More importantly, educators used an inclusive class to accommodate learners of all abilities and backgrounds, developing an environment where every student might engage and succeed. However, regardless of the inclusive environment fostered by the educator, I observed various issues linked to diversity and its intersectionality with other elements of school culture. Issues of Diversity and Class Peer Culture and Diversity During the observation of physical education classes, I realized that peer culture suggestively influences students' relations and participation in each activity. As established by a study, students from low-socioeconomic status face significant challenges in to be completely integrated into the peer group. Such problems results from several effects, comprising socioeconomic effects, cultural disparities, and language barriers. For example, students from minority group frequently felt left out during the observation, especially while engaging in team sports or group activities. Such results were associated to their incapacity to pay for expensive sports apparel or equipment. School Culture and Title One Schools In Title One schools, where majority of leaners are from low-income families, the school culture extremely affected the dynamics of physical education classes. For example, the observation showed that the absence of resources not only affects the quality of physical education teaching but also limits the learner’s access to vital techniques and amenities for their general development. As a result, learners in this school encounter more obstacles to fully engaging in physical activities and sports, continuing a cycle of disparities. Deprived of proper gear or facilities, learners might need help to engage in activities effectively or safely, affecting their physical and social growth. Additionally, the disparity in resources between Title One schools and their richer counterpart might increase feelings of lack or lowliness among learners from low-income populaces, prompting their low self-esteem and inspiration to involve in physical activities. Teacher's Responsibilities and Student Diversity Throughout the observation, I noted that teachers hold the duty to create an inclusive and supportive learning setting for students from diverse families. I also observed cases where some teachers involuntarily conserved prevailing disparities. For instance, teachers lacking cultural consciousness of sensitivity to the basic requirements of diverse students can inadvertently show ...
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