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Should high school allow teacher to be armed? Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

Persuasive/argumentative Essay

A working thesis/argument, using the words: “I will argue that [yourspecific audience] ... should [take an action] ... because [3 support points = why your audience should take action/how it can benefit them] ...”

3 supporting ideas and add at least one reliable source which argues your opponent’s counterargument (& not your own position).

Use Pathos, Ethos, and Logos: These are the 3 cornerstones of rhetoric. Pathos is about emotion, ethos is about credibility, and logos is about logic. These 3 components work together to help you develop a strong argument.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Allowing Teachers to be Armed
There is not a single widely accepted definition of "mass shooting." Generally, it is an incident involving multiple victims of violence. Hundreds to thousands of people have lost their lives in the United States because of fire-arms related violence, and it is regrettable that the government has failed to take serious actions against terrorist groups. The main problem is that there is no way to identify or recognize them. Maybe, there are residing among us or studying at the same schools, colleges, and universities where our children study. According to Stephen Hargarten, a mass killing happens when more than three individuals lose their lives, excluding the perpetrator. Usually, gun violence or mass shooting is committed by people who represent non-public organizations (Hargarten 366). They may or may not be a part of terrorist groups, and their aim is to create restlessness among the people. In February 2018, a gunman opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. More than fifteen students and teachers were killed at the spot, and nearly eighteen received severe injuries. Eyewitnesses identified a 19-year-old former student as the criminal (Ali & North 269). The officers arrested Nikolas Cruz in no time. During the investigation, he accepted his mistake and was charged with seventeen counts of murder and seventeen counts of attempted murder. Until now, the police have not been able to find the motive, but it is believed that Nikolas was suffering from depression and anxiety. It is the deadliest shooting in the history of the United States. Right after the massacre, parents showed anger and frustration and came to the streets to raise their voices. Right after the incident, President Donald Trump announced that school teachers would be allowed to carry arms to the institutions. The concern is whether it is good to let them carry their guns to the school or not.
Some people argue that it is a good decision, and the others say that it is an unwise decision (Ratliff 3). The fact is that school teachers must bring their weapons to the school in order to ensure their safety and the protection of children and other staff members. Mass shooting and gun violence have become a serious threat to society, and people remain worried about the lives of their children while they are at the school. If the teachers are allowed to carry their arms, it would be easy for them to cope up with an uncertain situation. Armed staff on-site could respond to shooters b...
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