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Easy and Simple Way of Preparing Lasagna

Essay Instructions:

Instructions for completing a project

The project can be building something or making something (a recipe, knitting a scarf, cooking a meal, building a dog house, etc. or anything else you want to teach someone. Keep all steps in order, using a Process paper format. Write clearly and concisely so that someone who has never accomplished this task will be successful. Criteria: clearly addresses audience and purpose, and use of appropriate tone. This assignment is in MLA format. Do not use bullet points or numbers

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Preparing Lasagna
The process of preparing a lasagna dish may seem difficult and tiresome, but on the contrary, it is much simpler with the proper ingredients and necessary steps. Lasagna is a delicious comfort meal that contains hearty noodles, cheese, tomato sauce, as well as meat and a range of vegetables. With most people being conscious of their health, the nutrients present in the lasagna depend on the ingredients one uses. In the subsequent paragraphs, I will be explaining easy steps on how to prepare lasagna.
The first and most important step is ensuring you have the correct ingredients. Without the right ingredients, you are basically not preparing a lasagna meal. The ingredients necessary for preparing a lasagna include: 12 whole wheat of lasagna pasta, 2 chopped garlic gloves, 1 pound of lean ground beef, 1 teaspoon of dried oregano, ½ teaspoon of garlic powder, black pepper and salt to taste, 16 ounces of cottage cheese, 1 cup of shredded Parmesan cheese, at least 2 eggs, tomato-basil pasta sauce and finally 2 cups of grated mozzarella cheese. The quantity of the ingredients depends on the number of people you are preparing the lasagna for.
After ensuring you have the right ingredients, you can then proceed to cooking...
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