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Poor Nutrition and its Effects on Learning. Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

1 question, 3 different solutions. In the concluding sentence choose the best solution and explain why.

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Poor Nutrition and its Effects on Learning
Few people are aware of the effects nutrition has on learning. As an adult, when one feels hungry, it becomes difficult to concentrate. One either feels tired, at times irritable, and even sluggish. The concentration levels reduce and one cannot perform at their highest level. While adults often think that how they feel and some of the issues they encounter are limited to them, this article seeks to indicate and drive towards the notion that children as well are greatly affected by hunger. However, hunger is not the only problem. It is crucial to consider how poor nutrition can also be a hindrance to learning. With improved nutrition, it is possible for students to be able to improve academically. Today, there are many menus which are loaded with sugars and other chemicals and these tend to leave children tired, jittery, and unfocused. The first effect of poor nutrition on learning is that it reduces focus. Children are not able to focus, and thus their learning gets impaired. The second effect is the reduction of energy. Depending on the foods that children eat, energy may either be enhanced or reduced. Poor nutrition is also known to be causing an increase in the number of overweight children. These children have been known to be easy targets of bullying, and it all starts with poor nutrition. Finally, poor nutrition also interferes with the children’s performance in exams and test scores. But what can be done to ensure that children are not negatively affected by that which is supposed to help them? Below are some solutions to this problem of poor nutrition.
The first solution to help mitigate the issue of poor nutrition and its effects on learning is to have mandatory exercise. Schools need to incorporate exercise into their timetable. Children need to know that exercise is good for their health. Exercise is essential in healthy living, and by encouraging this culture, schools will be cultivating a culture where students know by themselves that it is important to exercise. Parents should also be involved in this program to help ensure that students maintain the same healthy lifestyle even while a...
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