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Gender Equality In Females' Perspective. Women’s Perspective of Gender Equality

Essay Instructions:

Quarter 3 Research Essay

Topic: In life, there are many different perspectives when it comes to certain subject matters. As an intelligent individual one should be able to identify and understand each perspective on a subject. For this essay, you will pick a topic of your choice and examine it from the perspective that differs from your own. For example, since this is an all-male classroom, you might look at what it is like to be a female in a male dominant work environment. The final version of this essay will be due Friday, January 18, 2019 at the start of class. Listed below are the requirements for this essay.


Times New Roman 12-point font, double spaced

At least 3 pages, but no more than 7 pages

Must have an opening paragraph (attention getter and thesis), transitions, three to four body paragraphs (At Least 4 outside sources(CD & EF) At Least 3 outside sources (JK) and closing paragraph (restate thesis).

MLA Source Page (does not count as a page)

8 -10 sentences per paragraph (NO EXCEPTIONS)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Women’s Perspective of Gender Equality
The issue of gender equality has been a great concern in the society. A recent survey by Pew indicates that people’s thoughts on gender equality are influenced by their level of education, race, political affiliation, age, and gender (Parker, Horowitz, and Stepler). The attitude that individuals have concerning gender differences is useful in shaping how women are treated in the workplace and the general society. This attitude might also dictate women’s ability to achieve their ambition and occupy top leadership positions. In this modern age, it is surprising to know that women still struggle with gender inequality. Such inequality is hardly unique even in developed nations. Men’s view of gender is focused mainly on biological differences, and because of this, men tend to feel the pressure of providing for their families, whereas, women are considered to be caregivers. The pressures set by society are much harder for women, especially in the work setting. The society considers gender equality as creating an environment that offers equal opportunities for every individual regardless of their differences. However, women perceive gender equality much differently. According to women, equal treatment is necessary, but at times, gender equality means recognizing the differences in people’s abilities and treating these individuals differently to enable them to achieve similar outcomes.
Women view equality as men and women being offered equal value and status. This means that individuals should not be viewed as superior or inferior based on gender and neither should they be judged based on their merit. Bias is common in society, especially in the workplace. Women who work in a male dominated company have faced discrimination and unequal treatment because of their gender. Such women find it difficult to display their full potential since their efforts go unrecognized. Bikibinga, a lawyer by profession, explained that she works in a male-dominated firm, and the male staff keeps making bias comments about her, stating that she is unable to perform certain tasks because of her gender (Empower Women). Also, her efforts mostly go unnoticed or are credited to another male employee. Such biases discourage women from fully participating at work since they feel as if the workplace is more favorable to men. Instead, women need to be offered equal value and appreciation for their efforts and be given equal status to men, rather than being given specific tasks based on gender.
Women also perceive gender equality as a human rights issue rather than a women's issue. Reason being, the issue of gender inequality has affected the lives of many women, in that it has created a limited environment for women to grow and achieve their full potential. Women face various issues, including gender-based violence, some of which put them at risk of losing their lives. The discrimination that women face, mainly in male-dominated workplaces restrict them from bein...
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