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Education. Changing learning pedagogy. Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

Format: Typed, Double-Spaced, 12 point, Indented first lines of new paragraphs, and a TITLE; Length: 2.5-3 pages

Purpose: To write a thesis essay to express your opinion about how to improve education. To summarize, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize other ideas about education in support of your thesis. To use legitimate outside sources and to learn to cite them correctly.

Topic Education

Imagine that you have been put in charge of reforming education in your country. You have permission to change or do anything that you think will improve schools and enhance learning for young people. Which ideas from the articles of the authors that we read do you think would best reflect or not reflect your ideas?

Choose three or four ideas from the reading or that you have on your own and that you think are most interesting and write an essay in which you BRIEFLY summarize the idea you like, give your opinion about why you think each idea for school reform is needed in your country, and also how and why the reform would benefit students student in your country.

The purpose of your essay is to focus on solutions NOT problems. The main goal of your essay is to think about how you would improve education for all young people.

YOU MUST MAKE references to ideas from TWO of the articles about education we have read and discussed in class. In addition, you may also do some additional research and make reference to ideas about education reform from other English language sources, but no more than one. You must cite all information correctly.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Improving Education
If I am tasked to reform the education system of my country, these are the three objectives I would pursue.
Changing learning pedagogy
The best way to improve education that surpasses all the other interventions is restructuring pedagogy to be more child-centered. Most education system today were developed during the industrial age, and their relevance to modern labor markets has diminished. The industrial age education system was mainly structured to produce white-collar workers, and the rest were blue collar workers. Thus, it meant top performers became accountants and managers while the other people did more manual jobs on the factory floors. Thus, the education system never paid much attention to individual talents and learners’ interests. The students who were academically challenged were treated as failures, and they found themselves doing the menial jobs irrespective of their interests and what they were good at. The information age blurred these distinctions as it automated many jobs both white collar and blue collar. In the foreseeable future, the workplace will be robot-ridden, and a new approach to education and development of human capital must be enacted.
Thus, I would revolutionize the education system to be more child-centered. First teachers would be trained in how to identify and nurture their students’ interests and talents. The new pedagogy model would be structured to spur creativity and nurturing each and every learner to develop and spur creativity. In the future where robots are likely to be doing most jobs which humans have been doing since the start of civilization, individual creativity will be the only area where humans will have an edge. Nurturing students’ abilities will also dislodge the traditional definition of hierarchical structures at workplace irrespective of the employees’ ability and institute a new approach where the work environment is a collection of individuals who have interest in their job and have been nurtured to master levels. Those with different talents will be nurtured to develop them such that they are not held in s system that only produces white-collar workers, but they perfect their skills early and are directed on how to commercialize them. The new learning pedagogy would generally improve the value of each learner and diversify the labor market with highly competent people.
Education at all levels to be free
Education at all levels can be free. Most governments can afford it, and it is the best tool to fight many other issues such as income inequality and intergenera...
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