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Obey The Speed Limit! Reasons Why People Speeded limit!

Essay Instructions:

Dangers of speeding.

Statistics of: crashes/collisions, deaths, injuries.

Ramifications of after effects: fines/fees, court costs, ticket costs, suspention of license, jail time.

Reasons why people speed.

Reasons why you shouldnt speed.

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Obey the speed limit!
Introduction and statistics
Speeding is the most common traffic offense motorist commit in the United States whereby about 112,000 drivers receive speeding tickets every day. The World Health Organization defines speeding as driving while exceeding the speed limit spelled out by the law (World Health Organization 1). For decades, speeding has contributed to high cases of mortality and morbidity through car collision. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that speeding-related fatalities have increased over the last three years to about thirty percent. According to the administration, in 2016, eighteen percent of the fifty-two thousand drivers caught up in deadly crashes were due to driving fast. The fatal crashed resulted in the deaths of 10,111 people accounting for twenty- seven percent of traffic deaths and over one million injuries (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 1-5).
Reasons why people speed
Impatience is one of the primary reasons why drivers speed. When there are traffic congestions, drivers fail to practice patience and let the traffic ease up (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). Consequently, they end speeding by changing lanes frequently, getting angry at other motorists who they consider as a barrier to them getting to their destination.
The familiarity with a route and the road is the second reason motorists speed. When a person has driven through the same way over several years, they get to know every corner and intersection of the road as if it were their home. Consequently, all this knowledge helps them foresee their travel and together with their muscle memory they drive fast (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). Additionally, the familiarity with one’s route makes drivers overconfident thereby making them miscalculate possible traffic and their safety leading to speeding accidents.
The urgency to get to one’s destination is the third cause of speeding. In a single day, an individual may have too many activities to carry out such as going to work, dropping kids to school, attending meetings, lessons, soccer games and shopping (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). Failure to manage one’s time adequately makes people drive faster through red lights and aggressively past other drivers to make up for lost time.
Dangers of speeding
One, speeding leads to loss of lives. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistics estimate that about thirteen thousand people die each year due to fatal crashes resulting from speeding (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2). The deaths occur mostly among young people and the middle-aged as airbags and seatbelts fail to protect them. Thus, it robs them the opportunity to enjoy life and causes suffering to their families.
Second, it causes injuries. Traveling at high speed for a driver makes them lose contro...
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