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Making a Butter Cake

Essay Instructions:

Instructions for completing a project

The project can be building something or making something (a recipe, knitting a scarf, cooking a meal, building a dog house, etc. or anything else you want to teach someone. Keep all steps in order, using a Process paper format. Write clearly and concisely so that someone who has never accomplished this task will be successful. Criteria: clearly addresses audience and purpose, and use of appropriate tone. This assignment is in MLA format. Do not use bullet points or numbers

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Making a Butter Cake
Butter cake is a type of cake that is easy to make. Its sweetness makes it the best dessert for events like birthdays and weddings. The main advantage is that one can change the taste by adding different icing and fillings. The required ingredients are: 115g of unsalted butter, 337.5g, 3 eggs, and 337.5gall-purpose flour, 300ml of milk, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, 17.5g baking powder, and 1 teaspoon of salt. The ingredients will depend on the size of the cake being made.
First, collect all the utensils required and ingredients. The utensils include a hand mixer, mixing bowl, pans, grease and a spoon. To start the process, preheat the oven to 350 °F (177 °C) since cake in preheated oven cooks faster. Develop the act of multi-tasking and as the oven heats apply butter on the cake pans. Then, add butter and sugar to the bowl and beat gently. This is known as creaming and it creates a light and soft cake. The amount of sugar and butter should be enough to avoid the stickiness of the cake.
The next step is breaking of the eggs ...
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