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Attainable Global Perspective – State of Planet and Cross-Cultural Awareness

Essay Instructions:

Based on the reading, answer the following Formative Questions separately:

1. How do societal actors and agencies (apart from school) reduce or distort a global perspective?

2. What is perspective consciousness? Provide an example.

3. What is “state of planet awareness”? Provide an example.

4. What is “cross-cultural awareness"? Provide an example.

5. Why is “empathy” such a critical word for Hanvey’s argument? How do traditional, modern and post-modern people differ in their understanding of empathy and why?

6. Provide what you believe are an example of understanding “global dynamics”?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reading Guide – Hanvey
1. How do societal actors and agencies (apart from school) reduce or distort a global perspective?
The media, legal systems, language, family, and religion all influence perceptions and may even promote cultural aspects unique to certain people. When differences between people are deeply entrenched because of faith, this may affect their interaction. It is more likely that they are less willing to interact with those of a contrary belief. This often distorts the global perspective, especially when the media further sows division, including spreading falsehoods about certain sections of society, people, countries, and religions. Religion is an institution that influences social norms and behavior. In a more globalized world, where it is easier to travel more than ever before.
2. What is perspective consciousness? Provide an example.
Perspective consciousness is the first section to attain a global perspective and requires recognizing that everyone's perspective is shaped by conscious opinion and subconscious evaluations. Other people‘s perspectives may be different. An individual’s view of the world is universal, and being aware of this. Robert Hanvey highlights that global education requires integrating other teaching and instruction perspectives where there is perspective consciousness. Diversity in the classroom presents a challenge as teachers ought to integrate multiple perspectives while also being aware of other cultures and stereotypes. An example of perspective consciousness is the belief that there is a powerful God is not universally accepted as there are those who do not believe in a deity, yet, religion and faith in God have influenced culture and gives people hope.
3. What is “state of planet awareness”? Provide an example.
According to Hanvey (6), the state of planet awareness is “awareness of prevailing world conditions and developments, including emergent conditions and trend.” In this dimension, Hanvey emphasizes the need to understand the prevailing world conditions, problems, trends, and development. One such global issue is migration, and the US is one of the primary recipients of immigrants. Millions of people in the world are emigrating, as they voluntarily leave their places of origin where they reside to go to live in another town or country. International migration, where people move to another country, is increasingly an emotive issue and especially when there are undocumented refugees or asylum seekers. The search for better income and employment opportunities, escape from economic and social inequality, high population growth rates, seeking better opportunities, and even natural disasters are some reasons for international migration.
4. What is “cross-cultural awareness"? Provide an example.
Awareness kn...
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