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Reading Reaction: Repertories Used in Classrooms

Essay Instructions:

Assigned Reading: The Skillful Teacher, Chapters 15 & 16

Answer the 5 questions separately.

1.Describe the repertoires for developing and maintaining positive teacher-student relationships.

2.Why do students more readily accept rules or (learning community standards) when they have a positive relationship with their teacher?

3.Why is it important to re-establish contact after a disciplinary incident?

4.Social skills must be explicitly taught. Describe the 5 steps required for teachers to support the transfer of these social skills in student’s daily lives.

5.Analyze the Five Beliefs That Underlie Risk Taking. Describe how positive beliefs impact risk-taking and learning and the importance of mindset regarding mistakes/errors.

Each response should be between 250- 300 words.

The reading response should be clearly defined. Central ideas from the readings should be evident to support the response. The response indicates an understanding of the critical concepts from the reading.

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Reading Reaction
Question 1
The repertoires used in classrooms by teachers include all the activities that aid in creating a good relationship between the students and the teacher. There are many activities that the teacher can engage in, depending on the students’ interests and preferences. Some students might prefer dance activities, while others might prefer storytelling. Therefore, it is up to the teacher to identify the repertoires which might work best with their students. Repertoires play an essential role in the creation of a conducive learning environment.
One of the primary repertoires used in the classroom is storytelling. In some cases, the student might get bored listening to the teacher to teach a challenging topic. In such cases, the teacher has to come up with ways of breaking the boredom. Most teachers prefer to use humor as a way of distracting the student. The distraction is made to facilitate the comprehending abilities of the students because it helps clear their mind. If a student has a clear mind, it will be easy for them to understand the learned concepts.
Other teachers might choose to use dance and music as repertoires. This is not always an easy technique to apply in the classroom because every student might not prefer it. However, teachers tend to be creative, making it easy for them to use different repertoires that will keep the learners interested in classroom work. If one repertoire does not work, the teacher can always switch to another. These repertoires aim to create a conducive learning environment. It also enhances the teacher-student relationship, making it easier for the tow to have a positive interaction.
Question 2
Whenever a student has a positive relationship with their teacher, it becomes easy for the student to cooperate in the learning environment. It makes them feel motivated and obligated to obey rules. This explains why it is easier for students to accept rules easier than when they are not in a good relationship with the teacher. The excellent relationship helps curb the rebellious nature that students might exhibit especially those in their teen years. Whenever students are not in a good relationship with their teacher, they find the learning environment unconducive. Therefore, any attempts to make them follow specific rules becomes challenging because they feel rebellious. They also do not feel obligated to follow any rules, and this can make them more rebellious.
If students have a good relationship with their teachers, it will be easy to follow advice. Such would make it easy for them to follow the set rules because they will have no reason to be disobedient. In some cases, students fail to follow the regulations deliberately because they are not on good terms with their teachers. In such a case, it would be difficult for teachers to set new rules because the student is used to being disobedient. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a relationship that will result in a positive interaction between the students and the teachers. Once such a relationship has been established, a student will enjoy such a learning environment, thus becoming easy for them to follow the set regulations. Students tend to live by the teacher’s expectations. Therefore, if they do not have a positive interaction with their teacher, it will be challenging to live up to the teacher’s expectations.
Question 3
Whenever a teacher reprimands a student, the chances are high that their relationship will have been ruined. A conducive learning environment requires the teacher to provide a comfortable environment where the student can feel free to ask any question. However, after a punishment, the student might not feel comfortable engaging worth the teacher. Such undermines the learning process. Therefore, a teacher needs to rebuild the relationship they had with t...
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