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Theoretical Approaches to International Relations

Essay Instructions:

In this paper, you will be expected to discuss three theoretical approaches to international relations, choosing from a minimum of two of the three major theoretical approaches commonly used in international relations studies (Realism, Liberalism, Constructivism) and at most one of the lesser used approaches (Feminism, Marxism, etc.). You should use both literature discussed in class alongside articles and arguments from the greater political science literature, of which several follow. These articles and the arguments within should form the core of your paper, though you are encouraged to seek out other literature to bolster your arguments.

It is preferred that you focus your essay on the above three theoretical approaches, though if you find one of the lesser approaches to be more interesting, you may substitute any one of the above approaches for one other approach. You will be expected to undertake your own research to find literature and arguments appropriate for an upper level political science course. Use of Google Scholar and the UB Library is highly encouraged for the acquisition of additional sources.

The goal of this paper is for you to demonstrate your comprehension of the various theoretical approaches in international relations and how they might relate to the tackling of international relations problems. The focus of your paper should be on discussing how each of the major theoretical perspectives analyze the world and how their arguments differ on key topics such as anarchy, the importance of economy, the role of the state and international organizations, and the importance of military conflict, among others. You will not be required to argue for or against any of the theoretical perspectives, only to discuss their content.

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Theoretical Approaches to International Relations
International relations deal with the exchanges of states worldwide. These also refer to the connections of one country’s behaviors that directly or indirectly affect the actions of the members of other countries. The explanation of such behaviors can be analyzed at an intrapersonal or interpersonal level. Other aspects that affect international relations include the psychological and sociological perspectives of policymakers, intergovernmental arrangement locally and internationally, interactions between all the members of the society, and the objectives and movements of multinational corporations CITATION Unind6 \l 13321 (University of Wisconsin-Madison).
Major and minor theories emerged to have a better understanding of these phenomena. The theories outline the public’s information, who transform the ideas into other media, thereby disseminating an appropriate type of information depending on the receiver (Synder 54). This paper attempts to explain international relations in association with realism, liberalism, and Marxism.
Realism emphasizes the propensity of the allocation or allotment of power or control among the states (Synder 53; Walt 31). It is the central theory that gained attention during the Cold War (Walt 31).
Contrary to other significant theories, realism is composed of many other “realism-like” theories that evolved through time. Classical realists aim for world domination, leading to countless wars. Neorealists, like Kenneth Waltz, oppose anarchism due to its weak system secondary to attempts to balance the power between states. They neglected human nature and highlighted the significance of the international system (Walt 31).
Another vital reform with realism is the offense-defense theory’s involvement, as explained by Van Evera, Jervis, and Quester, who contended an increased inclination to wars when states have weaker defense systems. They related realism with anarchism, which is the cause of mayhem in society. Maintaining the defense system is not easy because it needs a higher budget, workforce, and cooperation from various government agencies. Regions are encouraged to understand the difference between offensive and defensive weapons to increase defense without raising threats to other nations. This act diminishes the effects of anarchy. The defensive realists focus on survival rather than gaining supremacy over the world. Thus, by improving security and forming balanced alliances, the particular state shall not be attacked or will have to attack another nation. The neoliberalists believe that the United States won the Cold War due to its immense security, accompanied by overwhelming offensive strategies and aggressive foreign policy (Walt 31).
In contrast to the logic of the “defensive realists,” realism has proved to be useful in maintaining peace because it focuses on rational thinking before engaging in actions. The downside of this theory is that it can lead to a state’s fall when the policymakers attempt to overreach it. Typically, the increase in power of one nation is accompanied by a rise in agenda of all kinds, including the military, resources, or finances. An example of this is the United States military supremacy that led to its announcement of war against al Qaeda’s non-state terrorist group. This demonstrates that a massive improvement of one country’s offensive and defensive systems by improving its military strength can perpetuate conflict through fear. The U.S. military declared war against the terrorist groups after the explosive 9/11 attack at the World Trade Center, leading to thousands of injuries and mortalities (Snyder 55).
Realism can also explain growing economies’ importance, like China’s when it began to expand its domination. China’s foreign policy gradually built its economy and military forces while preventing the head-on battle with the U.S., which is a supreme global force (Snyder 55).
Liberalism entails democracy, and it despises anarchy envisioned by the realists. Notably, it aims to strengthen the relationship between nations, and it stands to its mission to control warfare by expanding democracy among nations. Generall...
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