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Reading Guide - Mansilla & Chua

Essay Instructions:

Based on the reading, answer the following Formative Questions separately:

1. How do the authors define global competence--how does that definition differ from that of Hanvey’s?

2. What is a “signature pedagogy”? Provide one example from any US teaching you have been exposed to and any Chinese equivalent.

3. What makes “signature pedagogies” powerful approaches to quality teaching for global competence?

4. Review pages 8-17 and identify which of her “signature pedagogies” you find the most interesting and potentially use in your classroom teaching and why.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reading Guide - Mansilla & Chua
1. How do the authors define global competence--how does that definition differ from that of Hanvey’s?
Mansilla and Chua (3) focus on global competence, the definition provided by (Boix Mansilla & Jackson (2011) as “capacity and disposition to understand and act on issues of global significance.” Thus, the authors highlight the capacity and use theories, ideas or methods to solve problems, provide viable explanations and make practical interpretations. There is also flexibility and allowing student transformation. Additionally, global competence addresses issues of global significance and actions to make improvements in student learning. Hanvey identifies five key elements of the global perspective, including cross-cultural awareness, and Haney stresses knowledge of the world, including the past and the present world conditions. This differs from Mansilla and Chua’s explanation that one must focus on the self and seek to understand and build a better world while utilizing their moral capacities when taking action.
2. What is a “signature pedagogy”? Provide one example from any US teaching you have been exposed to and any Chinese equivalent.
Mansilla and Chua (6) explore Lee Shulman’s explanation of signature pedagogies, which is the set of practices and instructions that help, prepare scholarly practitioners to be truthful in their thinking and performance and act with professional integrity. In the US, case studies in business teaching are common in the US, which is common in other disciplines. Case studies allow the students to explore their ways of thinking and generate ideas that can be used. Questioning, providing answers and critiquing are essential in case studies where there is feedback and are beneficial to improve critical thinking skills, learning, and development. Teaching identifying the course and lesson objectives is one of the top priorities, so learners understand what is expected of them. Case studies are used in different contexts allowing students to learn about issues affecting specific industries and sectors and global analysis. The US System is more open to cross-case analysis in a global context and critical inquiry. 
Signature pedagogy in China focuses on issues affecting the Chinese in the contemporary world and its place and relations in the world. There is more emphasis on involving stakeholders in education to improve the students’ preparation for life after school. This has necessitated the stakeholders to re-examine the place of moral development in Chinese education and the relevance of traditional values in a modern world. There are differences in how the Chinese people from various generations view life differently in a rapidly changing and technology-c...
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