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Creative Writing About Should Everyone be Legally Armed?

Essay Instructions:

You may need to use my 2 old papers to write this work, so I submit my paper1 and paper2 with the introduction document to you.

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Should Everyone be Legally Armed?
Many people associate guns with bloodshed and violence. Their argument is, decent people do not entertain violence or bloodshed, and therefore, should not be armed. People dislike or fear guns and support all gun control initiatives on the assumptions that if firearms are outlawed, then bloodshed and violence would reduce. In reality, this is never the case. Saying “I do not want a gun because it results to bloodshed and violence” is similar to saying that “I do not wish to have an airbag in my car because I do not intend to crash”. Think of it this way; airbags are fitted in our cars not because we intend to crash, but because the car manufacturers understand that in the unlikely event that we get involved in a serious accident, then we will need the airbags to reduce the pain and suffering we are likely to experience. In the same, having a gun does not mean one intends to kill or get killed, but in the event that violence occurs, it becomes easy for an individual to defend themselves. However, some people may also take advantage of the fact that they are armed to intimidate or harm others. Therefore, the question whether is right or wrong to arm everyone can be answered by looking at the positive and negative impacts of arming people. Arguably, there are more reasons why everyone should be armed.
Supporting Arguments
I believe that everyone who is above eighteen years old should be armed. Initially, guns were created to be used by the police and the military to protect the people and defend the country. Over the years, the people have become enemies of each other. It has almost become impossible for the people to protect themselves anymore. Every day lives are lost in criminal acts that could have been prevented if people had the right tools to defend themselves. In my view, people should be armed because;
It boots Personal Defense
Everyone wants to wake up in the morning, go to work or school and come back home in the evening without having to worry what will happen to them during the day. Not everyone can hire bodyguards and security agents to protect them while they are out in the field performing their duties. Firearms are excellent tools for personal defense.
First, a person can defend themselves during an attack on their home. Robbery with violence has been one of the major challenges that the police face every day in the course of their duties. Every night a family is attacked by unknown people and their money and other property taken by force. At the time, the robbers are likely to kill the senior members of the family, leaving the children orphaned and emotionally shocked for the rest of their lives (Halbrook 10). Allowing people to acquire guns and training them on how to defend themselves during a robbery attack can change this situation. Parents and guardians can easily protect their families and property.
Secondly, people can defend themselves during attacks on roads like carjackers. Carjackers attack both private and public vehicles. They force people to give them money and sometimes their cars at gunpoint. Since most people do not have guns and fear death or injuries, they are usually obliged to provide the carjackers with everything that they ask for. Carjacking degrades the economic progress of people (Lombard 219). Similarly, allowing people to have guns and training them on how to use them can help them curb the carjackers and defend themselves and their property.
The next type of defense is an attack on the malls or bank defense. Malls and banks are public places where many people go to do their shopping and to conduct other forms of transactions. It is a common trend for robbers to attack such places with huge guns and forcing people to give away their money and other valuables. Malls have women and children who cannot defend themselves (Lombard 224). The security agents are at most times incapacitated because they do not have guns to defend the people. Thus, if the shoppers or the people at the mall have guns, they may overpower the robbers and defend themselves.
Finally, in the recent past, a lot of attacks have been made on schools and colleges. Many students have lost their lives in the process. What is more alarming is the fact that schools and universities are secure places, where students are not allowed to have guns or any form of weaponry. It raises the question why people would decide to attack these constitutions (Anderson, Kenneth, Daniel and Matthew 34). What makes it worse is that most of the security agents in the schools or colleges are never armed and have no power to confront the attackers. Such a situation necessitates the need for arming people, especially those in charge of protecting the lives of young people who go to school to learn and become better people in the future.
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