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Creative Writing
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Creative Writing About How Does Music Express Identity?

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, please write an essay of 1000–1500 words in which you investigate one of the following topic questions about the nature of human music-making:

What is music?

When do we make music?

What can music communicate?

How does music express identity?

Why is music beautiful?

A successful essay will acknowledge the complexities of the chosen topic question by arguing that the question has a variety of legitimate (and perhaps contradictory) answers. For some topics, your arguments may have as much to do with the people and cultures who produce the music as with the music itself.

For each argument that you make, introduce your reader to one or more musical examples that will help to support it. You must incorporate at least two of the musical examples that we have associated with the question in class. You must also incorporate at least two examples (not from class) that you have researched independently.

Do not assume that your reader has any prior knowledge of the musical examples that you have selected—nor with the topic of your essay as a whole! A successful essay will therefore feature a clear introduction to the topic question itself along with sufficient explanation of the chosen examples (using SHMRG) to allow the reader to understand your point.

Your essay should conclude with a List of References, not to be included in the word count, in which you list the title, the composer or performer, and (whenever possible) the URL of the musical recordings that you have discussed in the essay. Any other works that you cite in the essay should also appear on the list. Please use a citation format (MLA, Chicago, etc.) that you are comfortable with.

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How does Music Express Identity
Music is an imaginative manifestation and action that holds cultural diversities which is flowed with melodious sound sequel with time. It is an imaginative manifestation and cultural representation.
Many creators characterize music as a composed blend of sound and silent moments. But not every blend of sound represents music. If we take a gander at an illustration - car alarm spreads sound and silence in a sorted-out way, however, everyone would detect it as noise but not music. So here what is absent for which a car alarm isn’t a music? The answer will be a smooth conformation of melody, harmony, and rhythm. In a more instructive and comprehensive definition, music is made by a smooth conformation of melody, harmony, and rhythm CITATION Unk \l 1033 (Unknown).
However, it connects with and can affect emotional states we are familiar with, even when negative. We just need to make ourselves available to what it has to say. It’s a dependable fact that our species shows an amazingly wide assortment of mental and perceptual conditions of being.
Significantly but more incredibly, scientists entrusted a gathering of non-artists to repeat a random, computer-generated rhythmic pattern, and it didn't take ache for those same individuals to bring their heads up in transforming those patterns in song in that endeavor CITATION The17 \l 1033 (Correspondent). That might imply that we are organically arranged towards music making. That’s why we may all be destined to music. Besides, there are also talented musicians who showcase their great interest in exotic or sophisticated forms of music, which is a way of their occupation, as people of high intellectual capacity CITATION Bar \l 1033 (Reardon). Music is an effective method for correspondence. Music assists to express emotions and implications. It can also provide a vital lifeline to human interaction for those whose special needs make other means of communication difficult CITATION Dor05 \l 1033 (Dorothy Miell).
Physical impressions, inside feelings, and inconspicuous varieties of expressiveness are intensified, profound vastly by music. Music can be utilized to convey organic, psychological, and social procedures which motivate such correspondence. Music replicates the pace of human lives and also inspires emotional expressiveness in societies. Even babies try to interact by music by bouncing with the beats. Music and movement might be considered as two sides of a coin—the coin being emotion CITATION Bri12 \l 1033 (Reh).
A mature understanding of relation between behavioral articulations is a journey that Dartmouth specialist, Wheatley also has embraced. "Music sets us in motion—dancing, marching, or just tapping our toes. The combination of music and motion can also lead to an emotional response, making one feel romantic, patriotic, or just happy or sad" CITATION Tha \l 1033 (Wheatley). Wheatley's hypothesis was that the connections between music, movement...
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