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Major Paper III: Forging a United Front can Help Avert the Danger of Terrorism

Essay Instructions:

Major Paper III: Writing to Persuade
Purpose and DescriptionThe work you have completed up to this point in the semester has prepared you to join a conversation as an informed, thoughtful, and persuasive writer. Among other things, you have identified relevant topics, gathered various types of information, and analyzed a range of arguments. Your aim, now, will be to compose an argumentative essay in which you position yourself within an “conversation” involving your topic. Please consider the following as you undertake this assignment.
Invention and Inquiry Gather together the resources you have developed in the first two projects;• Identify the core problem or exigence that motivates the conversation;• Note the different perspectives represented in the conversation;• Consider where you stand with respect to core problem and competing perspectives;• Draft a thesis statement in which you position yourself within the conversation.The Composing Process• Introduce your topic and define the scope of your paper;• Offer some background on your topic and why it should be of interest to readers;• Use your sources to inform your audience but also strengthen your own position;• Draw a conclusion about the topic that adds something new to the conversation; • Conclude your essay by pointing toward additional research and analysis that can be done to better understand the issue as part of an ongoing conversation.The audience for this assignment is your instructor, your classmates, and, in general, anyone who can access and read information online. You should anticipate that readers have some education and knowledge of the subject but do not necessarily possess a clear or complete understanding of it. Your aim, ultimately, should be to move your readers in some way: whether to shift their thinking about the topic or to motivate them to take a particular action (or both). 
Specific RequirementsYour essay should:• Articulate and develop a clear and compelling thesis;• Position your argument within a recognizable conversation;• Include a minimum of 5-6 sources;• Be written in a clear, precise, and active prose style;• Include a title that reflects the spirit and scope of the essay;• Be 6-7 pages in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman or Garamond typeface);• Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details).(continued next page) The work of joining a conversation is not easy. As you have learned throughout the course, it requires careful research and an ongoing commitment to learning from what others have to say; more that, it also involves having something novel to say on your own. Your goal for this paper should be to demonstrate your knowledge of the topic you have researched and reflect a skilled approach of someone who is committed to his or her craft—a writer who not only has something meaningful to say but one who can also say it well. Please contact me if you have questions about this assignment or anything else related to the course.  

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
Forging a United Front can Help Avert the Danger of Terrorism
Terrorism has had some profound effects in the world and it is understandable how almost everyone (in the West of course) is determine to offer a hand in helping fight it. Every year, thousands of people die as a result of terrorism and with a group such as ISIS on a recruitment spree, one can only pray and hope for the best. The world has witnessed countless number of attacks which often leave the majority in tears and anguish. While some people cast or point a finger to the terrorist groups and solely blame them for their inhumane approach to issues, others point an angry finger to the superpowers and their unwillingness to dialogue and concoct a solution for this global malaise. Superpower countries like the US and Russia have always fought to protect their interests regardless of the repercussions of their actions. Their actions could indeed be interpreted as selfish but to them, they are justified and their interests will always supersede the world’s. However, whenever their interests clash, the world is left to rue and this happens often. In their article, ISIS' Worst Nightmare: The U.S. and Russia Teaming Up on Terrorism, Graham and Saradzhyan (2015) express their belief in the possibility of the world’s superpowers teaming up and staging a united front against the terrorist groups. However, while there have been positive indications of the above happening, the authors also express concerns when they stated that “even when relations were good, counterterrorism cooperation was never robust as many had hoped after 9/11. This was because of a fundamental conceptual gap about the nature of the terrorist threat.” Regardless of the truth expressed in the above statements, this article seeks to drive or build on the argument that the conceptual gap has created an opportunity for more terrorist groups to bloom. The result has been a world drawn into chaos but can a united front help avert the dangers ahead and help affirm a peaceful future?
The truth is, Russia enjoys enormous influence in the Middle East than any other country in the world including the US. In his book, Pillar offers insight into how the extremists perceive the US and why they believe violence is the only answer. Apparently, extremists share the belief that the US is responsible for polluting Islamic culture, traditions, and values. To them, the US is the enemy and violence is the only “natural and justified by-product of a cosmic struggle between good and evil. Outrage and unyielding religious beliefs provide moral sanction to use violence against the intrusion of a godless West, symbolized by America, into the Middle East” (Moore, 2007). While some can say that this enmity is warranted, others, especially the US citizens believe their country has always acted in the interest of its people. However, by ‘acting in the interest of its people’ the US has indeed rubbed people the wrong way on several occasions. Conversely, Russia is also guilty of using the cliché ‘acting in the interest of its people’ to exacerbate or aggravate the already hot topic of terrorism. In the recent joint force against Syria, Russia decided to join the US and countries like Britain and France to bomb Syria. However, reports emerged that Russia was only engaging in PR stunts and was in fact seeking to uphold President Assad. While Russia’s actions cannot be blamed for the issues in Syria, it is true that whenever interests differ, thousands of people die and in Syria, that number is well over 300,000 people.
According to Edward and Kanet (172), “the complex US-Russia relationship is marked by a ‘give-and-take’ policy consisting of concessions and demands.” The above is evidence enough that showcases each country’s acknowledgement of the other party’s significance in the fight against terrorism. “This ambivalence demonstrates U.S. acknowledgement of Russia’s significance as strategic player in the fight against terrorism and shows how friendly relations with the United States are important for Russia” (172). While they may fail to publicly agree, both countries understand the importance of a united front and the significance of such a union. Russia particularly according to Edward and Kanet is a sensitive actor in this issue of terrorism mainly because of the issues it is facing within its borders. With terrorism and separatism issues rampant in the country, Russia is indeed a keen participant.
However, the conceptual gap existing between the two countries as well as the need to assert symmetry has always led to a breakdown of any talks or hopes for a better. According to Graham and Saradzhayn (2015), terrorist “threat comes in the guise of foreign radicals, determined to undermine the institutions of American society.” the above was the only message the U.S. received after the 9/11 attack and since then, the country has always pursued a unilateral strategic military policy. Russia, on the other hand, believe th...
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