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Research and Describe Critical Thinking and Composition Block G

Essay Instructions:

Genre analysis questions are based on this genre analysis
The remaining three are examples of genre analysis written by others
I have to write a plastic surgery theme
interview Q is a job assignment # 2 that was submitted before
This interview and your reflection do not focus on writing in the field. This is a teacher's feedback
I want to major in medicine in college and I think students that are in medical school should write papers focus on their areas on medicine and doctor.
2. Doctors would write papers to clearly describe what they have discovered in their focused filesds and in order to be successful, they should be very accurate and clear on how they complete the sentences and the chosen of vocabs This is the content of assignment # 1

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Yu Song
Mrs. Velasco
Critical Thinking and Composition Block G
Genre Analysis - Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgeons focus on professional writing, recommendations and even expert opinions depending on their experience. Even as they are trained as doctors, they need more experience and training to operate as plastic surgeons. States have different laws on the certification and licensing of plastic surgeons, but if one is certified in one state, it is easier to get similar certification in a different place so long as they have the required education and experience. Doctors also write about what they have discovered and as there are novel ways to minimize adverse effects on patients when they intervene, this is documented and should be understood by fellow doctors and other health practitioners. Regardless of whatever the plastic surgeons write they need to focus on objectivity, relevance and accuracy of the information, and other people may make decisions about plastic and reconstructive surgery based on the strength of the evidence provided. I will analyze two genres of writing the article "Social Media and the Plastic Surgery Patient” and APA special feature article “Beauty in the eye of the beholder.”
In the article “Social Media and the Plastic Surgery Patient” the authors compared breast reconstruction procedures and used active language while quoting previous studies that have been conducted. There are headings used in the article and the first one is “evolution of modern day tissue expansion for breast reconstruction”, they go on to explore how plastic surgeons have utilized tissue expansion techniques to facilitate breast reconstruction surgeries. There are citations of trials that have been conducted based on the techniques and repots of outcome when compared with expectations. While the article is formal, there are no charts since emphasis was on breast reconstruction procedures, but they elaborated on the tissue expander system.
The type of genre is used when reporting about techniques in the medical field and particularly in journal publications, but those with basic knowledge of surgery can find this useful. The article would also be useful when comparing case studies in scientific writing, where researchers go more in depth focusing on the effectiveness of the breast reconstruction procedures used. Morrison, Ascherman and Ascherman evaluated the likely benefits of using carbon dioxide–filled, remote-controlled tissue expander, which the FDA approved in 2016 compared to the usual intervention 2-stage saline tissue expander-to-implant procedure for breast reconstruction where there were shorter expansion times when using the new approach.
Benjamin Ascherman and Jeffrey Ascherman are medical doctors, while Kerry Morrison, indicates that he holds an AB and it is practitioners and researchers who tend to use these type of articles, since the aim is to determine the most effective intervention. However, in the article, the authors are simply listed and there is no indication about their specific roles. The article targets plastic surgeons specializing in breast reconstruction and even medical schools as plastic and reconstructive surgeons can evaluate the usefulness of the carbon dioxide–filled, remote-controlled tissue expander in breast reconstruction. This is important since plastic surgeons need to use the best evidence available when making decisions on interventions.
The readers need the information to be better informed and knowledgeable on the products and devices that are currently utilized in breast reconstruction and plastic surgery. The audiences do not need to be informed about tissue expansion, but some are only used to specific expander systems. Researchers, manufacturers and innovators look into ways through which to improve the efficacy of plastic and reconstructive surgery without increasing patient risks. The techniques and devices for tissue expansion have evolved over time, but before being used, they go through rigorous testing and safety p...
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