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Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
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Response Essay. Communications & Media Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

During Friday and Saturday, as you use your phone and laptop, produce a list of every app you use or website you spend time on, as well as the corporation or individual who owns / operates that service. As you look up what company owns that app or website, if you have the time, try to find who the main CEO or founder of the company was.

I will provide a Google Sheet you can use as a template.

For example:

- Instagram: Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg

- TikTok: ByteDance, Zhang Yiming

- IMDB: Amazon.com Inc, Col Needham

- Discord: Discord Inc., Jason Citron

- "Exprattriots" server - run by my friend Adriana

- "lempamo records" server - run by someone who goes by "lempamo"

- Reddit: Reddit Inc, Steve Huffman

- "r/futurebeats" - main mods are "Frontcannon" and "klitzkreig"

- Wikipedia: Wikimedia Foundation, non-profit, Jimmy Wales & Larry Sanger

Write a response essay to the "We Live in Public" documentary and "Jaron Lanier" talk. Reflect on ANY of the aspects that were most interesting to you, such as, new things it made you think about, any of the involved artists and their practices, the history of the Internet / online communities of the 90s and 2000s and how they relate and compare to the ones we have today, the way social media has shaped politics, the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, etc...

Refer back to your "Online Consumption Diary" and think about your own patterns of digital living.

The essay must be at least 350 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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List of apps
* Facebook: Instagram, Mark Zuckerberg
* Youtube: Google, Susan Wojcicki, Jawed Karim, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen
* Netflix: Reed Hastings
* Reddit: Reddit Inc., Steve Huffman
* Discord: Discord Inc., Jason Citron
* Zoom: Zoom Video Communications, Eric Yuan
Response Essay
After watching both the “We Live in Public” documentary and Jaron Lanier's talk about the effects of the internet and social media, I began to question the current state of the world today. The issues that were raised about modern technology are very relatable and when you ponder upon it, these technologies have already taken control of our daily lives and have now become a necessity. This kind of need for these technological advancements can lead to human beings’ own downfall.
I am amazed by the fact that in a span of a few decades, the advancements in the way that people live had become so different. The lifestyle that we have today was even viewed as infeasible years back, and yet it is now our reality. We now live in a fast-paced life that is invasive of our privacy, and we have lost touch with what really matters, similar to what was shown in the documentary, “We Live in Public”. A lot of people value the recognition in the virtual world with likes and hearts, but this is actually manipulative, promoting the loss of what makes us all human. It is very ea...
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