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HOMEWORK #4: Fixing PR. Public Relation Flaw and Solution.

Essay Instructions:

Pick one “fixable” flaw of public relations from our discussions or outside our discussions, describe the manifestation and causes of that flaw, and suggest a possible solution to the problem.


HOMEWORK #4: Fixing PR
Due Wednesday, December 9, 2020 11:59pm

Your task for your final homework assignment is a simple one: fix PR’s problems. Well, okay, not all of them. Just one. 

Assignment Details
Pick one “fixable” flaw of public relations from our discussions or outside our discussions, describe the manifestation and causes of that flaw, and suggest a possible solution to the problem.  


Your homework submission should contain the following two parts:

1. The Flaw. Pick a flaw—any flaw relating to the principles or practice of PR—and describe it in detail. Include how the flaw manifests itself today, and what its root causes may be. (target length: ~250 words)
2. The Solution. Describe how the profession might be able to successfully address this flaw. (target length: ~250 words)

Grading will be based on these primary factors:

1. Do you have an appropriate amount of content? The total length of the assignment should fall within the parameters identified above. Deviations of 100-199 words in either direction will incur a 1-point loss. More than 200-word deviations in either direction will receive 0 points for this section (2 points total) 

2. Is your existing content of high quality? Quality will be judged by the following characteristics (the “Six Traits Model”): 

a. Ideas that are interesting and important. Ideas are the heart of the piece — what the writer is writing about and the information he or she chooses to write about it. (2 points)
b. Organization that is logical and effective. Organization refers to the order of ideas and the way the writer moves from one idea to the next. (2 points)
c. Voice that is individual and appropriate. Voice is how the writing feels to someone when they read it. Is it formal or casual? Is it friendly and inviting or reserved and standoffish? Voice is the expression of the writer's personality through words. (1 point)
d. Word Choice that is specific and memorable. Good writing uses just the right words to say just the right things. (1 points)
e. Sentence Fluency that is smooth and expressive. Fluent sentences are easy to understand and fun to read with expression. (1 point)
f. Conventions that are correct and communicative. Conventions are the ways we all agree to use punctuation, spelling, grammar, and other things that make writing consistent and easy to read. (1 points)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Public Relation Flaw and Solution
Public relation is a fascinating profession. Like any other field, it has its principles that practitioners should follow for a guaranteed professional service. The PR field can be more challenging because it involves confidential information about the client that PR practitioners should keep confidential at all times (Johnston & Mark; Bernays). Therefore, flaws may sometimes happen when a practitioner compromises the principle of confidence for some reason, but the issue can be solved.
The Flaw
PR practitioners are mandated to act on behalf of the employer to create and maintain their employer's good public image. This includes responding to organizational crises that may taint the good public image (Johnston & Mark; Motion, Robert, Shirley, 164). To do this perfectly, he should always know most secrets about his employer because it helps him respond to a crisis effectively. He must then always keep confidential the information he knows about his employer because rivals could use it against the company in unfair competition.
However, flaws happen sometimes, and PR practitioners compromise the principle of confidentiality in their profession. They end up leaking confidential information to the public through mass and social media or through conversations with friends who work with competing organizations (Motion, Robert, Shirley, 176). This flaw manifests itself in several ways: bloggers begin sharing confidential information or publishing leading stories about a company's information. The mainstream media may also begin sharing information about the company through the business news segment and discussions. Sometimes, the PR practitioner may share the information on their social media handles.
The flaw may happen because of several reasons. Most of the time, the PR practitioner decides to leak the information when he conflicts with his employer intending to revenge. Practitioners are specialists in solving organizational conflicts, so even when they leak information, they often have a backup plan if he resolves his differences with his employer (Johnston & Mark). Another cause of the flaw may be the practitioner unconsciously sharing information with his colleagues and friends through a social forum (Motion, Robert, Shirley, 166). Some friends may take the information and leak it to the media for personal gains leading to a leak of confidential information. Sometimes the...
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