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Eating vegetables and the benefits it has on young childhood development

Essay Instructions:

Com 231 Group Project 
vegetables and the benefits it has on young childhood developmentMessage Factors
● Message factors were used to help influence our podcast portion of the project
● The language chosen is specifically tailored to your audience to help persuade them to follow your message
● Also facts used helped further support our claimConsistency
● Consistency is in place to help reach balance
● Balance theory allows us to reach our audience on an interpersonal level.
● We used this within our project to help change our audiences attitudes and beliefs to try and get them to eat more vegetablesMatching Hypothesis
● This theory suggests that we take someone persuasive message and apply it to an underlying motivation of our own
● We utilize their idea and try to incorporate it to our own to try and influence them to adapt to our notionsExplicit vs Implicit Conclusions
● Explicit conclusions: Specifically states what the audience should believe
● Implicit conclusions: More open ended, leaves it up to the audience to decide what to believe
● To promote the eating of vegetables, explicit conclusions were much more prominent than implicit conclusions
● We needed to directly tell our audience the facts and make sure they believe in this specific ideaHealthy Choices Video
● The three theories we used in the video are: 
○ Message Factored Theory 
○ Consistency 
○ Implicit vs Explicit conclusions
● These three theories helped frame the message that is being sent in our video advertisement. Healthy Choices Video Continued 
● Message factored Examples: 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Eating Vegetables and The Benefits it has on Young Children Development
Children between two and six years of age are usually at the peak of experiencing food neophobia. This condition makes them get irritated with a variety of food that is new and unknown to them. As a result, they tend to dislike new foods being introduced to them. In most cases, children, especially those within the age category, will prefer food with a sweeter or sugary taste and shy away from unpalatable vegetables. Therefore, parents find it hard to encourage children to take such kind of vegetables, which are healthy for the growth and development of their children. As hard as it may be, children need to take many vegetables and fruits to ensure that they grow up healthy and develop fully. Here are some of the benefits that your child is likely to gain due to eating vegetables.
Benefits of eating vegetables to children
Vegetables form an important part of children's diet as it contains a lot of natural vitamins that are key in maintaining good health for children. Also, the vitamins contained in vegetables go a long way in protecting kids from illness. The recommended amount of vegetables for children per serving varies from one cup to four cups. This ratio depends on the age of the children and the form of service, whether raw or cooked. For instance, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends that a vegetable portion per serving for every child should be between 1 to 2 cups for children between 2 and 3 years. For 4 to 8-years-old children, the recommended serving is between 2 to 3 cups. Nine to 18-year-old children are recommended to take 2 to 4 cups of vegetables per serving.
Vegetables are rich in vitamins A, D, and E, which have an abundance of antioxidants. The antioxidants are important in the human body since they detect and fight harmful human cells' harmful elements. As a result, the antioxidants protect the body from experiencing tissue damages that may cause illnesses. Folic acid is another important nutrient found in vegetables, which is key to ensuring the body's stable health. Folic acid helps the body as it aids in minimizing the risk of attracting coronary heart disease by reducing the levels of homocysteine in the blood. Therefore, by feeding your children the recommended portions of vegetables in the diet, you are providing them with enough vitamins A, D, and E and folic acid and other nutrients that are key in keeping diseases away from them.
Vegetables are regarded as a great source of fiber, and this is another reason you should incorporate vegetables into your children's diet. Fiber is a key element in children's development as it ensures the smooth flow of food in the digestive tract (Healthy Children). Also, the fiber helps prevent constipation in children as it modifies the weight and texture of stool for easy passage through the intestine by increasing the size or solidifying the stool. Besides easing the bowel passage process, fiber has also been cited as a producer of important nutrients in the body that prevent the body from attracting heart diseases and obesity (Healthy Children).
Some of the common vegetables that are rich in fibers include broccoli, green beans, spinach, and carrots, among others. The recommended fiber intake for an average person p...
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