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The problem of obesity in the US

Essay Instructions:

Proceeding from Heather Zoller’s definition of health activism*, create a project/proposal that strategically attempts to challenge—and potentially change—the discourse, structures, practices, institutions, policies, etc. that negatively impact some aspect of health. Try to maintain a broad scope to address the shared or underlying/overarching problems that impact more than a single, particular issue or cause.

Topic for this paper: I want to focus on the problem of obesity in the US, particularly the US adolescents obesity and its consequences/ impact on their life and to society. More importantly, the core of this essay needs to provide sort of solutions/ strategies for this problem. Hence, I want to focus on school/ institutional powerhttps://www(dot)medpagetoday(dot)org/pediatrics/obesity/38327?vpass=1 to help students change their bad eating habits; regulate teenagers’ food resource and calorie consumption; adding sports/ actives to help overweighted kids, etc.

Sources: I found many academic sources and news sources for you to better understand the issue and write the essay with scientific support. But you don’t have to limit yourself from it , you don’t need to use all of them, you can choose some that fits your argument. Proper MLA citation plz!

Online sources:

https://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2011/02/08/health/research/08childhood.html (recommended)






Essay Sample Content Preview:
Health Media Activism
           Over the past few decades, there has been an improvement in the quality of life in virtually every social class. This has in turn brought about an embracement of a more sedentary lifestyle, as people become more and more laid back due to increased convenience and comfort. Consequently, there has been a rise in lifestyle diseases that have continued wreaking havoc within the population. One such disease is diabetes, an ailment that has affected both young and old in equal measure. Type-2 diabetes used to be uncommon among United States children in the past.
Over a few years, the number of children with Type-2 diabetes has risen steadily, and experts project that the number is likely to quadruple by 2050. Obesity has been cited as the primary cause of Type-2 diabetes among children, and currently, one in 10 children in the United States is obese. The number is expected to rise in the next ten years, where experts estimate that a sixth of the children in the United States will be obese. The big question therefore is; how can this be prevented? This paper examines the major factors influencing the rise of obesity among children in the United States, the significance and impacts of obesity in America, and remedies to the situation.
Causes of obesity among children in the US
           There are several causes of obesity amongst the young population within the U.S., and this is something that can be scrutinized and even addressed with much detail. Besides the general causes of obesity, such as genetic factors, psychological factors, and socioeconomic factors, diet and lack of exercise have been cited by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as the significant causes of obesity among school-going children (Black). For instance, in the United States, the school feeding program has been cited as the primary factor that causes obesity among learners. The school feeding program is an exercise by the government to provide meals to kids from low income families for free or in some instances, at greatly subsidized prices.
While it is a great way to help such students, it also comes up with its own disadvantages, especially in terms of nutrition. Research conducted in Southern Michigan revealed that students who consume school lunch were 29% more likely to become obese (Rabin). Another American study also revealed that the rate of obesity among children in states where school meal nutritional requirements are below the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommended standards were higher than in states where school meals are above the USDA standards (Walsh). A closer study on the school lunches’ composition revealed more energy and low-nutrient value types because such foodstuff is cheaper (Rabin). There is therefore, a catch with the nutritional value of the meals provided, or lack of a nutritional consideration for the kids consuming it.
           Prolonged hours in video games and watching television that is so common with many children in the United States today, is another factor that is associated with the steady rise of obesity among them. The body usually requires some physical activity for it to burn the excess fats. If this doesn’t happen, these fats deposit within certain parts of the body, thereby resulting in weight gain and obesity. According to Rabin, spending more than two hours on video games or watching television increases the chances of obesity in an individual by 19%. The majority of children in the United States today are said to engage in inadequate physical activities (Story, Nanney, and Schwartz, 71). Since most of the children in America spend most of their breaks either on video games on their phones or watching televisions, they tend to miss out on engaging in enough physical exercises, which is critical in burning excess calories and, thus, reduces their chances of becoming obese.
Impacts and significance of obesity on School-going children in the US
          Health is one of the most critical factors in the routine operations of any system, including schools. The moment there is a crisis in health, then there is some form of chain reaction which hits other areas of the education system in one way or the ...
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