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The Impact of TOMS Business Model to Different Companies

Essay Instructions:

For longer than we care to admit, CSR- shorthand for corporate social responsibility- was a noble goal. The core idea- minimizing the negative impact a company has on society while maximizing the positive- often translated into philanthropy: make a donation, sponsor a good cause, encourage employees to work in the community. These were good things to do, but they were often treated as side projects, peripheral to the business and followed more by the marketing department than the C-suite.

We know this now because we are seeing, thanks to some forward –looking companies, a better way to do CSR- one that can bring bigger benefits, not to just society, to be businesses themselves.

Some innovative entrepreneurs are using CSR approaches to start new (ad) ventures to construct their brand mantra. They are using CSR to frame their brand story, drive sales and inspire their customers to feel good as they make their purchase. It is purposeful purchasing to benefit humanity.

Social media allows the smallest idea to spread across the globe. Blake Mycoskie found his inspiration while on vacation in Argentina wearing a soft, casual canvas shoe worn by almost everyone in the country, from polo players to farmers to students. He had the idea to bring this type of shoe to the American market. But how…""?

… His story begins when he met an American woman in a café who was volunteering with a small group of people on a shoe drive. She explained to him that so many kids lacked shoes, even in relatively well-developed countries like Argentina, an absence that did not just complicate their lives, but also exposed them to a wide variety of diseases.

These seemingly unrelated events became the foundation of his new business. He would become inspired to look for a solution(s) that would allow him to solve each of those two issues. He wondered could he find a way that would combine his sense of entrepreneurship, business and make a profit that would allow him to get shoes on needy children.

His solution was TOMS. Blake knew nothing about making shoes, importing shoes, the shoe business or nor had the financial resources to even begin. However, he had an idea.

His idea was to start a company that makes a new kind of shoe similar to the kind that he wore in Argentina. For every pair that he sold, he was going to give a pair of new shoes to a child in need. It was a simple concept: Sell a pair of shoes today; give a pair of shoes tomorrow.

Is this the new model for starting a business? No money, no knowledge of the product but something that when sold really helps humanity. In a five-page (5) paper present, your views on the TOMS model: With every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need.

“The One for One movement is about people making everyday choices that improve the lives of children.

In a five (5)-page paper answer these questions as well:

How does the TOMS story appeal to customers? Employees? Business partners? The media?

TOMS is unusual in that it is a for-profit company that actively incorporates giving into its business model. Can you think of other examples of giving-based businesses? How are these companies similar to and different from TOMS?

What is the story? Think about a company that you encounter in contact with- as a customer, employee, or passerby- and ask yourself: What is the company’s story? How do they communicate their message? Are they missing a storytelling opportunity?

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Given the current technological advancements, it has become easy to start a business without knowledge and finances. Through technology, social media platforms present an ideal place for people to market their business ideas. As a result, they end up starting a business that would eventually grow into a large venture. TOMS case is an example of the current business models that many people use to start-up companies. Therefore, this paper will focus on how the TOMS story appeals to customers, business partners, employees, and the media. It will also focus on other examples using the giving-based business model to expand their ventures.

The TOMS business model is an effective way of running a business in the 21st century due to the internet's presence. The key to growing a business is expanding the customer base as much as possible. Such is made possible through advertising. If a business seeks to advertise their products, they have to spend money to promote the products (Halaby). However, through the internet, social media has made it easy for ventures to advertise. An individual can put a post on social media, and the more people share the post, the higher the chances of getting new customers. Therefore, this makes the TOMS model an ideal way of starting a business. A model based on giving back to society would motivate people to purchase the product. As people buy the shoes, they would be enabling the company to give a pair to needy children. As a result, society would be giving back to humanity as they make profits for the company that brought the idea. Given that a substantial number of people like giving back to humanity, the chances are high that such a business model would easily attract investors. Through the investors, the financial issue would be solved (Goworek et al.). People who understand the making of shoes and their importation would also be willing to invest in the business. Therefore, a model similar to TOMS is ideal for starting up businesses in the modern world.

TOMS's story appeals to customers in that it motivates them to purchase the company's products. The story is an example of an effective corporate social responsibility. The giving part makes customers believe that the company is dedicated to helping society. If a customer doesn't analyze the business model, they might forget that the company is in for the profits. TOMS story is an ideal way of portraying a positive picture of the company to the customers. Once a customer hears about the idea, they think about purchasing the shoes so that a child somewhere might get a new pair. As a result, TOMS continues to increase its profits as well as give back to society. The idea has helped increase the market share since customers send positive word of mouth regarding the company's project to help children (Goworek et al.).

TOMS's story appeals to employees by making them feel like part of a company dedicated to giving back to society. The employees also enjoy working in a company that promises growth in the future. The TOMS business model has been contributing a lot to the expansion of the company's market share. An increase in customer base is an indication that the company would grow. As the company grows, there would be more opportunities for employees to advance in their careers (Halaby). Promotions and an increase in incentives are among the benefits that employees get from the TOMS business model.

The business idea appeals to business partners because they can be guaranteed an increase in profits. The main benefit of the idea is an increase in sales. As sales increase, the company would expand, reflecting the same benefits to the various business partners. The idea is interesting to the media because it provides a story that can be shared with the masses. A substantial number of people have an interest in hearing the stories of other organizations. The media is the best platform expected to pass across such stories. The various media platforms...
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