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What are the Benefits of Hair Removal Lotion to Men and Women?

Essay Instructions:

Consider a problem in either your life or the life of someone you know that could be solved with a packaging solution. For example, Clorox Wipes addressed a housekeeping problem for people with limited storage of having to purchase and store both paper towels and antibacterial multi-surface cleanser by combining them into one product with a package that keeps the wipes moist and dispenses one at a time.

Apply the design thinking methodology to designing a packaging solution to solve the problem. The final assignment should include: a 100-200 word description of the problem you are solving, a sketch of your idea, and 300-400 words describing how your idea addresses the problem.

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Hair Removal Lotion Many ladies and gentlemen are skin conscious, and seeing hairs on areas, especially those visible to the public, makes them anxious. To address this, hair removal becomes a trend. Spas are built for several functions. One reason for it is hair removal sessions; there are different ways to remove body hairs that people seem to dislike; there are costly sessions, and one example is laser hair removal. Another choice is through waxing, and the most popular one is using honey and sugar; this way is painful because the hairs are glued in the wax with waxing paper, and the pulled off the body – one disadvantage of waxing because some people do not prefer to undergo painful sessions. Moreover, going to the spa regularly becomes a hassle and costly, especially when unexpected events seem to alarm those unlikely hairs. This paper aims to give a solution to those people who want hair removal sessions to be convenient to them anytime and anywhere; the best choice is to use Hair Removal Lotion. This particular product offers numerous things which can help aid people in safe and convenient hair removal. By formulating a lotion-based hair removal, guarantees a good outcome and is beneficial in several ways. This hair removal lotion is made for many reasons and aims to address the underlying issues of existing ways of hair removal...
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