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Radioactivity in Fukushima and Japan's Decisions About it

Essay Instructions:

For your Final Project this term, you will select a problem affecting the world today and develop a new company or organization that provides solutions for that problem. In your Final Project, you will be expected to spell out the problem clearly, point out the benefits of solving the problem, identify obstacles and challenges, draw on and discuss historical precedents and ethical concerns, offer a realistic and cost-effective solution, address anticipated objections to your ideas and solution, and convince your audience to act. Note: It is important in this project that you put together and offer your own business solution idea for the problem being addressed (and not merely to report on someone else’s idea). Final Projects that fail to adhere to this guideline will not receive a passing grade.

Your Proposal should be 4-6 pages in length, including the annotated bibliography.

ENGL 202D: Business Writing Fall 2020 Final Project: Proposal Style: MLA/APA/Chicago Style, Times New Roman 12pt font, normal/1” margins, double-spaced Total Point Value: 100 points Due: Sunday, November 8th Description: For your Final Project this term, you will select a problem affecting the world today and develop a new company or organization that provides solutions for that problem. In your Final Project, you will be expected to spell out the problem clearly, point out the benefits of solving the problem, identify obstacles and challenges, draw on and discuss historical precedents and ethical concerns, offer a realistic and cost-effective solution, address anticipated objections to your ideas and solution, and convince your audience to act. Note: It is important in this project that you put together and offer your own business solution idea for the problem being addressed (and not merely to report on someone else’s idea). Final Projects that fail to adhere to this guideline will not receive a passing grade. Your Proposal should be 4-6 pages in length, including the annotated bibliography. Learning Objectives: • To employ problem-solving skills in application to a real-world issue • To acquire practical experience with proposal writing, research, and source evaluation • To put your skills and talents to work for the greater good by addressing environmental and social concerns Required For the Final Project Proposal, you are required to put together an 4-6 page document in which you clearly identify and outline the context, problem, and source materials of your Final Project. You should structure your proposal according to the following format: 1. Introduction: In approximately 1 page, provide a general overview of the problem you have chosen and the idea for a company or organization that you want to create to help address this problem. Here, you should establish context (i.e., “paint the bigger picture”) by briefly identifying the problem that you will be working on and telling your readers why this problem should be addressed. 2. Problem Statement: In 1-2 well-crafted sentences, provide a formal and polished statement of the problem you are working on. Your statement functions like a thesis statement for the project, and you should aim to be as concise yet detailed as you can (without being too broad, general, or vague). 3. Proposed Company Idea & Solutions: In 2 pages, (slightly over or under is fine), present a detailed outline (in hierarchical format) in which you identify your company idea and map out your proposed solution for the problem you have identified. If it helps, think of this section as an “action plan.” Detail is key here, so the more detail the better. Use full sentences and be sure to incorporate quotes and in-text citations so that you enhance your academic writing style and provide clear indication for your reader as to which sources will be used where in the project. 4. Annotated Bibliography: List at least 5 sources that you currently plan to use in your study. In 200-250 words each, (for a grand total of at least 1000-1250 words if listing 5 sources). provide a summary of each source and explain why you chose that source. Sources can include articles, books, chapters from books, documentaries, websites, etc. Ideally, you will conduct your research using the online databases that are available to you through the Penn State library system, and you will compile a diverse range of source types. Also Required 1. Your Final Project must also show how your company will make a positive social and environmental impact, and so your proposal should reflect this. Examples include a company that seeks to recycle old materials to build a recreation park for children in an inner-city neighborhood or starting an organization that is dedicated to helping homeless veterans and that does so in ways that are environmentally sustainable. Fine Print: • Submit your Final Project Proposal in Canvas by no later than Sunday, November 8th (by end of day). • Be sure to get in touch, if you have any questions or if you would like assistance. • Be sure to quote and cite your source research materials in your proposal assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Radioactivity in Fukushima
Japan is on the brink of an international meltdown following their decision to dump millions of radioactively contaminated gallons of water into the ocean. Japan’s struggle with managing radioactive material in recent times can be traced back to 2011 when the nation experienced an earthquake that destroyed its Fukushima nuclear plant. The incident has indulged Japan into local and international struggles in managing the materials. The concerns currently are rooted in preserving the environment and maintaining a good fishery and international image while also disposing of the contaminated liquid. This research will explore Japan’s decision to dump Fukushima’s radioactive materials into the ocean amidst concerns of dangers to the aquatic, human, and environmental health. The analysis of the decision by the Japanese government into the disaster should trigger deeper exploitation of strategies including treatment of the material, evaporation, storage, or all the above strategies to address the concerns.
Background Information
Japan recently announced its resolve to dump gallons of radioactive materials into the ocean. Over 1.2 million tons of radioactive Colling water from the Fukushima Nuclear Plant will be released. The government of Japan, through Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, insist that the water will be treated first before it is released into the ocean. This happens after Japan indicated that its management strategy is currently overwhelmed. All the storage facilities are full, and they lack the capacity to develop more facilities. The only strategy that they feel appropriate will be releasing the material into the ocean. The decision has attracted mixed reactions from international players. Concerns over environmental health have been raised. Issues have also arisen on Japan’s fishing industry that has been affected since the end of the Fukushima incident.
Problem Statement
Allowing Japan to dispose of its contaminated waters will effectively contaminate the waters bearing the aging of the materials. Allowing the decision to be implemented means that Japan will be threatening human, aquatic, and environmental health in Fukushima and its surrounding save for the image that has been destroyed for the fishing industry in the affected area.
Proposed Company idea and Solutions
Japan could employ multiple strategies to address their problem in managing the contaminated waters. Three of the primary solutions should be:
* Storage: Japan’s primary strategy in managing the material was the storage of the contaminated material. On-site storage was conducted at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant. The Japanese have indicated that the storage is almost nearing its boiling point. It is estimated that Japan will lack a proper storage facility for radioactive materials by 2022. The Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings has indicated that they cannot build more storage tanks whose numbers are approaching the set limit of 1000. While storage is a short-term solution to this problem, it remains a viable one bearing the limited impacts that it bears to aquatic life, humans, and the environment. The government must invest in more tanks before a long-term solution is reached.
* The second solution that has been proposed in the wake of this problem is the evaporation of the contaminated water. The strategy involves converting tritiated liquid water to tritiated water vapor, which would be emitted into the air at Fukushima. Tritium is considered less radioactive and has a short life. Through evaporation, a large amount of the materials could be eliminated. Evaporation, however, bears some challenges that could trigger even bigger concerns. Primary among the concerns is that evaporation does not destroy the radioactive elements. It could expose the region into the downwind of the plumes. Areal emissions could be more dangerous and widespread compared to other solutions. Ultimately, it can be dangerous to conclude that tritium is not dangerous. Before implementing evaporation, proper emphasis must be put on addressing its impacts.
* The company can also employ discharge into the ocean. This strategy will work only on specific grounds. The materials must be treated to eliminate the chances of contamination or environmental destruction. This strategy is least appreciated bearing the number of materials that are poised to be dumped into the waters.
* The last option should be the implementation of all the above strategies. The Japanese can dispose of radioactive water strategically through different strategies over a stretched period. Opening more storage facilities, eliminating small quantities of treated materials into the water, and evaporation can help in reducing the quantity of the materials in the long-term if used collectively. Like all the other strategies, this option must be considered after a proper analysis of the impacts.
Annotated Bibliography
Shimizu, Kosuke. “Reflection, the Public, and the Modern Machine: An Investigation of the Fukushima Disaster in Relation to the Concepts of Truth and Morality.” Japanese Journal of Political Science, vol. 18, no. 4, 2017, pp. 536-551. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1468109917000160.
This article analyzes the Fukushima disaster ...
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