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The Piano and Transnationalist Films. Business & Marketing Essay

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November 15, 2020
The Piano and Transnationalist Films
Understanding the importance of a film and the external context of its making is essential for any viewer. It allows him to look deeper into the different thematic expression of the creator through the plot, form, and even the viewer's perception of the work of art. In this article, I would like to focus on the intersection of these two, as seen from Jane Campion's 1993 film entitled The Piano. Specifically, the author would like to focus on the different thematic aspects present, including the idea of transnational movies and how it is framed concerning US-made films. To do this, a brief background of the film would first be offered, followed by an analysis of its relation to the idea of transnationalism. All in all, I believe that Campion's film reflects the notion of transnationalism as it shows that despite the film's success, the plot and the form create the risk where the viewers believe that the film is not as entertaining compared to Hollywood made films.
The Piano Plot
This film's plot revolves around the story of Ada McGrath, Alisdair Stewart, and George Baines. During the movie, Ada was portrayed as a mute who expressed herself and her emotions by playing the piano. Being a single mother to Flora, Ada was forced by her father to marry Alisdair, which prompted them to go to a New Zealand beach. Accordingly, this is when Ada would meet with his fiancé Alisdair, but would later fall in love with the latter's friend Baines. This would also set a series of events that would end with Ada and Baines living together.
The idea of a transnational cinema refers to the paradigm wherein a film (or a ...
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